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This blog started as a way for me to share my recipes + culinary adventures, tips for vibrant health + happiness, thoughts on the latest developments in nutritional medicine + the low down on the Sydney wholefoods scene and beyond...

Lacto-Fermentation Workshops: Sunday 8th Feb & 22nd Feb 2015 9am-1pm

Guest User

The warmer weather readily lends itself to the art of fermentation- where time and temperature work magic to populate food and drinks with live enzymes and probiotics (friendly bacteria) essential for robust and vibrant health. I will be running 2 identical half-day workshops limited to 10 people each on Sunday 8th Feb and Sunday 22 Feb.

At each of these workshops I will be showcasing how to make the following:

  • sauerkraut (cultured/fermented cabbage)
  • pickles (cultured/fermented cucumbers)
  • kefir (dairy)
  • kefir (coconut water)
  • kefir (water)
  • cultured cream
  • cream cheese
  • beet kvass
  • kombucha

Cost is $140 per person and includes:

  • detailed theory discussion on gut health, the role of friendly bacteria and probiotic-rich foods, and the factors that affect our gut microbiome and loads more!
  • detailed handout including theory, step by step guides & recipes
  • practical demonstrations
  • hands-on experience
  • food tasting
  • 1 x vegetable press (holding approx 1.5kg vegetable matter)
  • 1 x  kombucha scoby
  • 1 x packet of Natures Goodness Turkish yogurt probiotics
  • water kefir bacteria/’grains’
  • opportunity to ask questions

This workshop is ideal for:

  • those who are interested in making or perfecting their own home-made fermented foods and drinks
  • those who suffer, or have family members who suffer, from low immunity (eg frequent colds, infections) or gut/digestive issues (including skin conditions)
  • those who want to take their health and well-being to the next level with the introduction of fermented foods
  • those who want to try new things!

Where: 23 Kent Street, Waverley, 2024.

 When: Sunday 8th Feb 9am- 1pm ish OR Sunday  22 Feb 9am- 1pm ish

Spaces limited to 10 in each class. Spots typically book out within 24 hours so get in quick! If both these classes book out I will run additional classes in March.

RSVP:  To secure your spot  you will need to:

1. Text me on 0407 871 884 to confirm WHICH of the 2 classes you prefer to book into and I will confirm whether there are spaces available in that class. Spots can only be reserved for 24 hours; and
2. Once I confirm that there is a spot available please transfer $140 (referencing your name and ‘LF workshop’) within 24 hours to secure your spot into this bank account:

Account name: Star Anise Organic Wholefoods (Aust.) Pty. Ltd.