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Soulla x 


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This blog started as a way for me to share my recipes + culinary adventures, tips for vibrant health + happiness, thoughts on the latest developments in nutritional medicine + the low down on the Sydney wholefoods scene and beyond...

4 truth bombs that we all need to swallow

Star Anise

Truth bomb #1

95% of our health is dictated by our LIFESTYLE(as opposed to our hard-coded genes)!

Truth bomb #2
Chronic illness and degenerative disease are caused by TOXIC OVERLOAD and /or SUBOPTIMAL NOURISHMENT (the 2 principle lifestyle factors that influence our health)

Truth bomb #3
Our greatest exposure to ENVIRONMENTAL TOXINS is in our HOME (yep!)

Truth bomb #4
The 4 things that we routinely bring into our home which have the most profound impact on the health of the inhabitants of the home are:

1. Our choice of food
2. Our choice of personal care products
3. Our choice of household cleaning products

4. Our choice of medicines

I say “choice of…” because it’s always a CHOICE. Yes, it is.

And, if you are a mama like me,it is typically the mamaswho have been bestowed the awesome responsibility of making these choices of what to let in and not let into our homes. Our family’s health relies onOURchoices. What an awesome and massive responsibility we have! Let’s live up to it and make the best (i.e. healthiest) possible choices. You’re not alone, I am here to support you every step of the way in making these choices.

When it comes to your choice of food, I understand that Big Food and the Dietetics Association (which is funded by Big Food)  have really done a brilliant job at creating so much noise and confusion about what to eat and not eat. Big Food makes us sick and then Big Pharma comes to the ‘rescue’ to provide us with drugs that make us sicker and stay sick. There’s no better model to keep us trapped in a system of control and disempowerment. Fortunately, we all have the CHOICE to break free of this paradigm and choose a more empowering, joyous path. I unpack what that path looks like in my one one-on-one health coaching sessions and in my food as medicine digital package. Whichever you choose, I arm you with 4-5 hours of robust nutritional theory, 5 of my online cooking workshops, and a 60+ page “How To” manual that sets you up FOR LIFE by getting back to basics and eating and living in a way that our ancient DNA expects so that our genes can switch on for the better.  As so many holistic doctors and clients tell me, my health coaching sessions and even more so with my Food as Medicine digital package really are exceptional value for the immense content that you get (“ridiculously cheap” as one holistic doctor recently told me).

When it comes to your choice of personal care products , household cleaning products, and medicines fortunately there’s a one-stop shop solution for ALLLLLLL of these which takes us out of the overwhelm. You can literally streamline all of these to just one place (hooray!) for ease, simplicity and convenience. I will teach you how to healthy swap at your pace in a positive, empowering, and cost-effective way one product at a time at YOUR pace. You are just paying for products only from Young Living – the world leader in the essential oils and low tox industry (no joining or cancellation fees). In addition to access to the highest quality products that give you peace of mind in creating a safe low tox home sanctuary for your family, you also get free access to me and another one of my team leaders as your personalised wellness mentor plus free access to our juicy closed FB page and our phenomenal online password protected Member Resources- allllll provided completely for FREE

With love and light,
Soulla xx