Hot Chocolate
Guest User
One of my favourite hot drinks is a hot chocolate. I have it most days without guilt as it’s free of any sweetener. Cosy, comforting, and warm. And I’m a sucker for raw cacao powder. Sometimes I think I eat my body weight in it.
Luckily raw cacao powder is the fourth most nutrient-dense food on the planet according to the Mat Lalonde scale of nutrient density – super high in phenols and anti oxidants. Yay! Because it is uplifting it is also a healthy swap for a coffee (without the jagged nervousness and heart-racing anxiety) and I personally have used it in this manner to circuit-break a coffee addiction as have many of the my health coaching clients.
I make my hot chocolate in numerous ways depending on the amount of richness I crave. So instead of listing different ingredients I set out my recipe below in terms of a formula (much like my smoothie recipe) as that’s how my brain works:
— Liquid base: 1 cup full fat milk, coconut milk, almond milk or boiling water (or combo of one or more). If I’m after something light I’ll go for boiling water, if I want something more substantial and satiating I’ll go for full fat milk.
— Raw cacao powder: ½-1 tablespoon depending of taste.
— Optional protein booster: 1 tablespoon Collagen Hydrosolate and/or Gelatin Powder which you can purchase direct from GelPro Australia here or here respectively or from our retail store Broth Bar & Larder. I discuss the virtues and differences between Collagen Hydrosolate and Gelatin Powder in my online bone broth workshop. The former provides additional osteo skeletal report and support for hair skin and nails, whereas the latter is more about gut healing and sealing. So if you need support in these areas, consider adding these in. Both products are tasteless and dissolve in hot liquid (collagen also dissolves in cold liquid but gelatin only dissolves in hot liquid).
— Optional fat bomb: ½ - 1 tablespoon cream, Brain Octane, MCT oil, virgin coconut oil, grass fed butter, or 1 egg yolk, or 2 raw cacao butter buttons. Good to add a fat bomb in if your liquid base is simply water. These traditional fats makes your hot choccy more nourishing and satiating.
— Optional flavour bomb: these add not only flavour but also therapeutic benefits:
A drop of Young Living essential oils such as cinnamon bark (my fav!), orange, tangerine, citrus fresh, peppermint (very uplifting), cardamom, or Vanilla. To read why I exclusively use Young Living essential oils and how to purchase them please click here.
1/2-1 teaspoon of medicinal mushrooms. Reputable brands include Masons Mushrooms by Superfeast or Lilium Love
A sprinkling of chilli flakes (with a drop of Young Living orange essential oil for a choc orange hot choc).
If making with boiling water, place everything (other than essential oils) in a blender and process until mixed. If making with milk, then place everything (other than essential oils) in a small saucepan and gently heat (do not boil!) and blend with stick blender. Add in any essential oil. Pour into a cup and dust with raw cacao powder if desired.
Sip slowly and enjoy!
thermomix version
If making with boiling water, place everything (other than essential oils) in a blender and process until mixed. If making with milk, then place everything (other than essential oils) in a small saucepan and gently heat (do not boil!) and blend with stick blender. If making with Thermomix, heat at 60-70 degrees, for a few minutes on speed 4.
Add in any essential oils at the end of heating. Pour into a cup and dust with raw cacao powder if desired.