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The Online Larder

Organic Beef Tallow Cubes

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Star Anise Products_1.04.210311 1.jpg

Organic Beef Tallow Cubes


Beef tallow is a traditional dairy-free natural fat that has nourished mankind for millennia. Our beef tallow is frozen into ice-cube sized portions for you to conveniently melt down in oven tray or frying pan for roasting or frying veggies or meat.

It can also be used as a natural moisturiser by rubbing a little on your palms (with some essential oils if desired) to use as the most natural, non toxic and completely edible face, hand and body moisturiser. It's incredibly nourishing and moisturising. You can also use tallow to prevent and soothe baby's nappy rash.

Beef tallow is the natural fat that rises to the top when making our beef broth. Our beef broth is made from mix of neck, femur, humerus, back and rib bones that have been cut to release the marrow. The bones are then roasted for 1 hour to impart additional flavour then long slow simmered for 18-20 hours.

Our beef tallow is Halal Certified.

100% Dairy-free.

Sold in a 500g bag.

Serve: Melt down frozen cube and use for frying and roasting.

Storage: Frozen. Consume before use by date.

Ingredients: 100% grass fed organic beef fat. Beef tallow is a by-product of making our certified organic beef broth (filtered water, 100% grass fed beef bones and pink lake salt).

Shipping: Only to Greater Sydney (map here).

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