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The Online Larder

Organic Beef Bone Broth

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Organic Beef Bone Broth

from A$16.00

Our broth is Australian Certified Organic, 100% Australian grown, made and packed and free from FODMAPs, gluten, dairy and preservatives.

Bone broth (or stock) is an age-old elixir of health, consumed by traditional societies the world over. Rich in collagen, gelatin and complex flavours, bone broth is comforting, nourishing and satisfying. Broth has a myriad of health benefits including supporting strong immunity, balancing out muscle meat and egg intake, helping to build, maintain and repair our osteo-skeletal system, promoting healthy digestive function, making skin and hair glow, and calming the nervous system.

Our beef broth is made using joint and marrow bones from 100% grass fed and finished cows ethically raised on certified organic farms. The bones are a mix of neck, femur, humerus, back and rib bones that have been cut to release the marrow. The bones are then roasted for 1 hour to impart additional flavour then long slow simmered for 18-20 hours.

Our beef bones are also Halal Certified.

Sold in a 500ml or 1L glass jar.

Serve: As an age-old elixir of health, gently heat and consume 1 - 2 cups per day as a stand alone hot drink (with the option of adding one or more flavour bombs of your choice such as lemon juice, minced ginger, minced garlic, chopped parsley, chilli, tamari or add in one or our immunity boosting cubes for convenience). Use broth as the base for soups, casseroles and risottos in place of water for added flavour and nutrients.

Storage: Sold refrigerated. One year fridge stable. Consume within 7 days of opening lid. Do not freeze the contents of this jar unless you take some liquid out as the jar may crack.

Opening lid: Our jars are intentionally vacuum sealed and air tight to make the broth 12 month fridge stable. Consequently, to open the lids tap the lid (not the glass jar!) a few times very hard on a thick chopping board or insert a sharp knife under the lid to break the seal. The lid should then effortlessly open.

Ingredients: filtered water, 100% grass fed beef bones* and pink lake salt. *Australian certified organic

Shipping: Only to Greater Sydney (map here).

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Hello! Love your product, the broths and soups literally saved me during my pregnancy and postpartum with twins 🙏🏻
— Annbelle
Your broth has changed my health! Thank you.
— Phoebe
My 4 year old just advised me that
”mum this stock is the best out of all the other stocks that you buy... it has the most flavor!” He knows his stuff! Spot on. Thanks Soulla for such high quality products. The children know intuitively it’s what they need.
He is eating a brothsicle while sipping beef broth. Loving it as always.
— Jodie