Online Store
“I can’t select delivery on the checkout page”
We recommend not using Safari whilst using our online store. Please use Chrome or another search engine to order from us.
“I selected the wrong delivery method”
Email us on orders@staraniseorganic.com if the wrong delivery was selected. We will call you to fix up the payment difference over the phone. You will need your credit card.
“I want to order other products not on the website”
If you would like to order other products such as salmon or gelatin etc, please email your full order to us with your mobile and delivery address at orders@staraniseorganic.com. We will calculate your order and call you for credit card payment over the phone before we send it to you.
“How long will it take for my order to be delivered?”
Please allow 5 business days from when you order to it being delivered to your door. It is usually quicker. You will get an email on the day saying that it is on the way. It should arrive anytime after 3pm that day. If it looks like your order will be longer than 5 business days, we will contact you as soon as possible.
“When is my order ready to be picked up?”
When your order is ready for pick up, you will receive an email letting you know. Please allow up to 5 business days and wait for your confirmation email before collecting to avoid disappointment.
Broth Bar & Larder
“What are your opening hours?”
Our opening hours are set out here.
“What is ‘the meal of the day’/daily specials?”
Please refer to our INSTAGRAM or FACEBOOK page Star Anise Organic. We highly recommend pre-ordering (either eat-in or take-away) by calling us on the day on +61 421 786 009 as our meals and products are made in small batches and we sell out quickly.
“What is the difference between broth and stock?”
Nothing! We use those terms interchangeably but tend to use the word “broth” on our packaging. To learn more about the nutritional benefits of bone broth and how to make it yourself head to our online bone broth workshop or comprehensive Food as Medicine Digital package which includes all 5 of our online cooking workshops.
”How long do the products keep for?”
The storage instructions are on the labels of all our products. We do not recommend that you consume the products past their expiry date. In particular, chicken liver pâté should be consumed within 3 days of opening and bone broth within 7 days of opening. Do not freeze the beef or chicken bone broth in the glass jars that they are sold in as they may crack/explode in the freezer. If you don’t think you will consume all of the beef or chicken broth within 7 days of opening the jar, pour a little out to consume within 7 days and freeze the smaller volume left in the jar.
”Which products are halal?”
Our halal products are: beef bone broth, beef broth cubes and tallow cubes. These products are made from halal-certified beef and processed in accordance with halal guidelines. We ensure that no non-halal ingredients or cross-contamination occur during production. The bones are a mix of neck, femur, humerus, back and rib bones that have been cut to release the marrow. The bones are then roasted for 1 hour to impart additional flavour then long slow simmered for 18-20 hours.
gift vouchers
We offer gift vouchers for the purchase of Star Anise Organic Products which can be redeemed in store at Broth Bar & Larder in Bronte. To arrange the purchase of a gift voucher, simply call Broth Bar & Larder on 0402 786 009 and speak to one of our customer service staff or email brothbar@staraniseorganic.com. We will need the following information from you to create a gift voucher:
The amount of the voucher
Your credit card details
Your full name
The recipient’s full name
Whether you’d like to collect the voucher from Broth Bar, or have us post it to you, or post it to recipient, or leave at Broth Bar for the recipient to use on site (4 options). The recipient can see the full range of our Star Anise Organic Wholefood products via our online store.
nutrition or health/wellness related questions
Please refer to the comprehensive Food as Medicine digital package or INSTAGRAM series #52weeksofhealthyswaps. If your question isn’t answered in those places, please contact Soulla Chamberlain on info@staraniseorganic.com or +61 407 871 884.
In need of a water filter? The highest level of water filtration in Australia is a reverse osmosis water filter with alkaliser. Call the Water Shop on 02 9458 1111 and mention my name for a 20% discount. Whether you own or rent your house The Water Shop can instal a filter and you can take it with you house to house with the Water Shop replacing the filters annually. They provide free shipping Australia-wide. The Water Shop also provide a complete home filtration system or you can call Complete Home Filtration on 0413 484 469 who specialise in complete home filtrations – mention my name for a $200 discount.
My blue blocker eye glasses of choice are Ezekiel-Ion as these are the highest quality blue blockers on the market, blocking 85% of high frequency blue light, 100% UV light, and EMF radiation. They also release beneficial ions and far infrared which boost our immune system and promote healing. For a USA$25 discount click link Ezekiel-Ion or use the discount code staranise25 at check out.
My no blue light amber coloured reading lights, book lights, down lights and light globes of choice are from Block Blue Light. Use the code StarAnise at checkout for a discount.
My natural pest control company of choice is Systems Pest Management. Call 02 9869 3153 and mention my name for a discount.
My food suppliers and recommended practitioners of choice are all set out in my Food as Medicine digital package.
Young living oils/toxic free home
My essentials oils and toxic-free personal care products and cleaning products of choice are Young Living because of their unparalleled quality and seed to seal policy.
“How do I buy or learn more about Young Living oils and products?”
Have a read of the information on the essential oils page of this website. To purchase at wholesale prices or learn more please fill out the contact card on this page and we will be in touch as you need an existing wholesale account holder to connect you to set up an account for you. We then give you access to all our comprehensive online member resources, community events and personalised support so that you feel empowered.
Is it possible to buy Young Living products whenever I want or do I need to join the monthly program?
The monthly program is completely optional! You can buy a product as a once off, or buy whenever you want or join the monthly program to save money. You can join as a retail or a wholesale customer. The choice is always yours. Simply fill out the contact form on the essential oils page of this website and we will be in touch within 24 hours to explain all the options to you over the phone so that you are fully informed. The most important thing is to not sign yourself up on YL website as you will be put in some random team and won’t get the benefit of all of our personalised support, community support and exclusive member resources containing a wealth of information.
I’ve signed up to YL on their website or I have an existing account but want to swap into your team to get your resources - how do I do this?
Simply fill out the contact form on the essential oils page of my website and we will be in touch within 24 hours to explain all your options.