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Live Workshops

Live workshops

The greatest gift I can give humanity is teaching people how to deeply nourish themselves in order to become the healthiest and most vibrant versions of themselves. This is a journey of remembering who we are, stripping back to what we really need in order to thrive, and becoming more conscious and intentional with what we put in and on our body and bring into our home.

First things first…

The first step in reclaiming health lies in getting back into the kitchen and making and eating nutritious meals. It’s as simple as that and it doesn’t need to be time consuming, difficult or complicated.

Since 2010 I have been teaching people how to prepare nutrient-dense traditional wholefoods that has served and nourished humanity for millennia – being the very foods that healed me and my family in our health journey.  

In my cooking classes I show people (especially time-poor mums!) that buying and preparing nutritious meals can be super simple, quick and easy. My fuss-free, uncomplicated approach to cooking with as few steps and ingredients as possible has revolutionised the lives of many.

After running in-person cooking classes for over a decade, my 5 key cooking workshops (bone broth, slow cooks, organ meats, baked cakes and chocolate) are now only available as online workshops – sold either individually, or for the best value, all included in my Food As Medicine digital package. Click here to learn more and purchase.

beyond food

As I progressed on my journey, I quickly came to the realisation that we can’t stop our health journey at only food and nutrition. In addition to kicking empty fillers and dietary toxins, we need to kick environmental toxins that are within our control. Shockingly, our greatest exposure to environmental toxicity is in our own home! What we put on our skin and breathe into our lungs is as important, if not more important, than the food we eat because our skin and lungs have no digestive filter to keep toxins out. Being fastidious about what you eat but not paying heed to the slew of toxic ingredients in your personal care products, cleaning products, pharmaceuticals, make-up and perfumes makes no sense. In 2016 I started running low tox workshops to plug that gap and help people make simple, easy, healthy swaps in a very positive and empowering way, to products that are all-natural, cost effective and super powerful! These workshops are run live monthly as per the schedule below.

LIVE WORKSHOPS and webinars 2025


NingXia Red Workshop

Sunday 19th January, 2025

Learn all about the incredible health benefits of Young Living’s signature drink NingXia Red. We will be making and enjoying an assortment of food and drinks with NingXia Red, including NingXia Red gummies, NingXia Red mocktails, NingXia Red ice blocks, and other ideas on how to incorporate NingXia Red into your everyday life. 

Presented by: Soulla Chamberlain

Time: 2-4:30 pm

Venue: 23 Kent Street, Waverley, NSW, 2024

Cost: $10 for YL account holders in the Star Anise Organic Wholefoods Young Living community. $20 for non-Young Living account holders.

If you would like to understand what is involved in becoming a YL account holder prior to the workshop click here to find out more, or email or call Soulla Chamberlain on 0407 871 884.  

*Once paid, the workshop fee is non-refundable if you cancel on or before the workshop for whatever reason, as spaces are limited. Thank you for understanding.

When booking please ensure you add your workshop to your cart and checkout

(for iPhone you will find the cart in the bottom left corner, for PC you will find the cart in the top right-hand corner). This applies to both YL and non-YL Member bookings


Low Iron Webinar

Thursday 6th February 2025, 7:30 pm EST

Presented by Clinical Naturopath Amy Makejev from AIM naturalhealthcare.

Learn about the importance of iron, the symptoms of low iron & the root causes of deficiency. Amy will unpack the integrative interpretation of iron markers from pathology tests & explain optimal levels. She will also share why conventional iron supplements are often problematic & how to boost your iron levels naturally with diet & essential oils.

These monthly deep dive webinars presented by various practitioners are exclusive to Young Living account holders in our community. If you are not yet a YL account holder please click the button below which explains everything about joining our low-tox community and how to get started. 

If you have any questions feel free to email me.


Mamma Magic Workshop

Sunday 23rd February 2025

Empowering mamas on how to become their family’s healer with safe and powerful potent plant botanicals at any hour of the day or night. Learn how mummas can best support themselves so that we in turn can support our cherubs. Learn which therapeutic-grade oils and products to reach for to support your children’s system. Feel inspired to reclaim power from external providers and use the best of nature and your own intuition to create a safe and natural toxic-free sanctuary for your family.

Presented by: Soulla Chamberlain

Time: 2-4:30 pm EST

Venue: 23 Kent Street, Waverley, NSW, 2024. Also available via Zoom - Details will be provided nearer the date.

Cost: $0 for YL account holders in the Star Anise Organic Wholefoods Young Living community. $10 for non-Young Living account holders.

Members feel free to bring as many friends of yours as possible, please book them in as additional for no extra charge, We will be in touch with you to get their details.

If you would like to understand what is involved in becoming a YL account holder prior to the workshop click here to find out more, or email or call Soulla Chamberlain on 0407 871 884.  

*Once paid, the workshop fee is non-refundable if you cancel on or before the workshop for whatever reason, as spaces are limited. Thank you for understanding.

When booking please ensure you add your workshop to your cart and checkout

(for iPhone you will find the cart in the bottom left corner, for PC you will find the cart in the top right-hand corner). This applies to both YL and non-YL Member bookings

This workshop is running in person at Waverley, NSW, 2024 plus via live Zoom (at your choice!) from 2 pm-4.30 pm.


Nervous System Regulation Webinar

Thursday 6th March 2025, 7:30 pm EST

Presented by Naturopath Emily Rose Yates.

Learn the various techniques and tools to naturally reduce cortisol levels and manage stress.  We will cover diet, mindset and other lifestyle choices, Young Living oils, and supplementation to better respond to external triggers.   

These monthly deep dive webinars presented by various practitioners are exclusive to Young Living account holders in our community. If you are not yet a YL account holder please click the button below which explains everything about joining our low-tox community and how to get started. 

If you have any questions feel free to email me.


Human Design Workshop

Sunday 16th March, 2025

In this workshop, you’ll learn what your Human Design chart actually means, including a deeper understanding of your energy type, authority, and strategy, with practical steps to apply them in your life. You'll also receive personalised guidance on essential oils tailored to your energy type, hands-on experience with the oils, and take-home resources like a cheat sheet and journal prompts to empower you to continue experimenting with what you’ve learned for lasting personal growth.

 When you book you will receive an email asking you to download your Human Design chart in advance (all you need is your time, date, and place of birth and it only takes a minute to download the chart but the magic is in the interpretation of it which is what we will be unpacking in this workshop!).

Presented by: Alicia Singleton from Terra Viva.

Time: 2-4:30 pm

Venue: 23 Kent Street, Waverley, NSW, 2024

Cost: $40 in person or $20 via Zoom.

Prices are for both YL account holders and Non-Young Living account holders in the Star Anise Organic Wholefoods Young Living community.

If you would like to understand what is involved in becoming a YL account holder prior to the workshop click here to find out more, or email or call Soulla Chamberlain on 0407 871 884.  

*Once paid, the workshop fee is non-refundable if you cancel on or before the workshop for whatever reason, as spaces are limited. Thank you for understanding.

When booking, please ensure you add your workshop to your cart and checkout

(for iPhone you will find the cart in the bottom left corner, for PC you will find the cart in the top right-hand corner). This applies to both YL and non-YL Member bookings


Parasite cleanse webinar

Thursday 3rd April 2025, 7:30 pm EST

Presented by Maria Arora (trained doctor, naturopath, homeopath).

Learn how and why to safely remove problematic parasites from your body.

These monthly deep dive webinars presented by various practitioners are exclusive to Young Living account holders in our community. If you are not yet a YL account holder please click the button below which explains everything about joining our low-tox community and how to get started. 

If you have any questions feel free to email me.


Raindrop Workshop

Sunday 6th April 2025

Immerse yourself in this 5 hour mastermind where you will learn, give AND receive Gary Young's revolutionary Raindrop Technique for energetic balance and spinal alignment. 

We will cover:

- basic spinal anatomy and pathology

- information on specific oils used  and possible options for adaptations to the technique

- application techniques for maximum benefit 

- hands-on opportunity to give and receive raindrop with guidance and much more.

Maximum of 16 participants (8 tables with a pair of people at each table).

BYO raindrop kit or the individual oils from the kit, towels plus a table between a pair of people.

Presented by: Kerry Lockwood and Cressida Pollack

Time: 11 am SHARP -4:00 pm

Venue: 23 Kent Street, Waverley, NSW, 2024

Cost: $222 for YL account holders in the Star Anise Organic Wholefoods Young Living community

If you would like to understand what is involved in becoming a YL account holder prior to the workshop click here to find out more, or email or call Soulla Chamberlain on 0407 871 884.  

*Once paid, the workshop fee is non-refundable if you cancel on or before the workshop for whatever reason, as spaces are limited. Thank you for understanding.

When booking please ensure you add your workshop to your cart and checkout

(for iPhone you will find the cart in the bottom left corner, for PC you will find the cart in the top right-hand corner). This applies to both YL and non-YL Member bookings


Cholesterol Webinar

Thursday 1st May 2025, 7:30 pm EST

Presented by naturopath Amy Makejev.

In this webinar, we will unpack and demystify various myths around cholesterol, the causes of high LDL cholesterol, what we should be testing for and how to interpret the results. 

These monthly deep dive webinars presented by various practitioners are exclusive to Young Living account holders in our community. If you are not yet a YL account holder please click the button below which explains everything about joining our low-tox community and how to get started. 

If you have any questions feel free to email me.



Olis 101 low toxic living (introductory workshop)

Sunday 25th May 2025

In this workshop you will learn the basics of how to use safe and powerful potent plant botanicals (therapeutic-grade essential oils made by the world leaders in the essential oils movement) as your first port of call wellness cabinet. Learn how simple and easy it can be to kick the toxic chemicals in your personal care products and cleaning products, and healthy swap to all-natural, super powerful, cost effective products that can be streamlined from one place. Reclaim power from external providers and create a less toxic, safer, home sanctuary for you and your family at your own pace in a positive and empowering way.

Presented by: Soulla Chamberlain

Time: 2-4:30 pm EST

Venue: 23 Kent Street, Waverley, NSW, 2024, also available via Zoom, details will be provided nearer date.

Cost: $0 for YL account holders in the Star Anise Organic Wholefoods Young Living community. $10 for non Young Living account holders.

Members feel free to bring as many friends of yours as possible, please book them in as additional person for no extra charge, We will be in touch with you to get their details.

If you would like to understand what is involved in becoming a YL account holder prior to the workshop click here to find out more, or email or call Soulla Chamberlain on 0407 871 884.  

*Once paid, the workshop fee is non-refundable if you cancel on or before the workshop for whatever reason, as spaces are limited. Thank you for understanding.

When booking please ensure you add your workshop to your cart and checkout

(for iPhone you will find the cart in the bottom left corner, for PC you will find the cart in the top right hand corner). This applies to both YL and non-YL Member bookings

This workshop is run in person at Waverley, NSW, 2024 plus via live Zoom (at your choice!) from 2 pm-4.30 pm.


ADHD Webinar

Thursday 5th June 2025, 7:30 pm EST

Presented by Natropath Emily Rose Yates.

We will unpack the causes of ADD and ADHD and the various treatment approaches to improve focus and concentration naturally.

These monthly deep dive webinars presented by various practitioners are exclusive to Young Living account holders in our community. If you are not yet a YL account holder please click the button below which explains everything about joining our low-tox community and how to get started. 

If you have any questions feel free to email me.


Ceremonial Cacao and women’s circle 

Sunday 15th June 2025

Join us in a small and intimate women’s circle where we sip on ceremonial cacao in a safe and non judgemental space to support each other to let go of self limiting beliefs and to step into our power as women. By interweaving a very specific set of Young Living oils, our intentions are amplified to facilitate powerful shifts. 

We will visualise and meditate on: 

  • calling in more harmony in our inner and outer world

  • forgiveness

  • honouring our inner child

  • anchoring into the present moment in all that we do

  • releasing what no longer serves us

  • cultivating more courage and confidence to become fearless in all that we do

Presented by: Yifat Shjirben from Sound Journey and Soulla Chamberlain

Time: 2-4:30 pm

Venue: 23 Kent Street, Waverley, NSW, 2024

Cost: $10 for YL account holders in the Star Anise Organic Wholefoods Young Living community. $20 for non Young Living account holders. 

If you would like to understand what is involved in becoming a YL account holder to avoid paying the associated workshop fee, simply email or call Soulla Chamberlain on 0407 871 884.

*Once paid, the workshop fee is non-refundable if you cancel on or before the workshop for whatever reason, as spaces are limited. Thank you for understanding.

When booking please ensure you add your workshop to your cart and checkout

(for iPhone you will find the cart in the bottom left corner, for PC you will find the cart in the top right hand corner). This applies to both YL and non-YL Member bookings


Emotional blocks that are holding you back from your best life

Thursday 3rd July 2025, 7.30 pm EST

Presented by: Sylvia Tarchalska, Aroma Freedom and Neuro Transformation Practitioner

Do you feel overwhelmed, lacking direction, or stuck in the same patterns? These are signs of subconscious blocks and self-sabotage keeping you from moving forward.

It’s time to break free.

Join this transformative session to:

  • Break the cycle of self-sabotage.

  • Learn  Neuro Transformation techniques to rewire subconscious patterns and emotional blocks, empowering you to shift into clarity, confidence

  • Use Young Living essential oils to align with your goals, anchor them deeply, and unlock your full potential

These monthly deep dive webinars presented by various practitioners are exclusive to Young Living account holders in our community. If you are not yet a YL account holder please click the button below which explains everything about joining our low-tox community and how to get started. 

If you have any questions feel free to email me.


Culinary Workshop

Sunday 27th July 2025

Learn how to take your culinary repertoire to a whole new level with the inclusion of Young Living therapeutic -grade, food-grade essential oils. We will make a combination of oil-infused food and drinks, both sweet and savory.

Presented by: Soulla Chamberlain

Time: 2 - 4:30 pm

Venue: 23 Kent Street, Waverly, NSW

Cost: $20 for YL account holders in the Star Anise Organic Wholefoods Young Living community, $40 for non Young Living account holders.

If you would like to understand what is involved in becoming a YL account holder to avoid paying the associated workshop fee, simply email or call Soulla Chamberlain on 0407 871 884.

*Once paid, the workshop fee is non-refundable if you cancel on or before the workshop for whatever reason, as spaces are limited. Thank you for understanding.

When booking please ensure you add your workshop to your cart and checkout

(for iPhone you will find the cart in the bottom left corner, for PC you will find the cart in the top right hand corner). This applies to both YL and non-YL Member bookings


Autoimmune disease management

Thursday 7th August 2025, 7:30 pm EST

Presented by Functional Diagnostic Nutrition & Autoimmune Protocol Practitioner Simone Jamie and Soulla Chamberlain.

Learn the cause of and various treatment approaches to autoimmune conditions.

These monthly deep dive webinars presented by various practitioners are exclusive to Young Living account holders in our community. If you are not yet a YL account holder please click the button below which explains everything about joining our low-tox community and how to get started. 

If you have any questions feel free to email me.


Energy Healer Amplified

Sunday 10th August 2025

Elevate your healing methods and modalities in this two-hour transformative masterclass

This is for energy workers who want to deepen their practice using the power of Young Living Essential Oils.

Discover how these pure, potent plant botanicals can effortlessly amplify your own energetic alignment and enhance a deeper healing experience for your clients.

You will receive practical guidance for incorporating oils into your client sessions.

Learn about 

- Oils that amplify specific frequencies for chakra balancing and aura cleansing

- Oils to support, benefit & maintain energetic boundaries for you as the Healer

- Oils to nurture your gifts and enhance the session for your clients

- Other products to support you and your client in the healing process

- Master methods to create sacred space 

- The opportunity to ask and receive practical guidance specific to you

Secure your spot for this transformative experience.

Presented by: Kerry Lockwood and Cressida Pollack

Time: 2 - 4:00 pm

Venue: Eastern Suburbs, TBA

Cost: $150.00

*Once paid, the workshop fee is non-refundable if you cancel on or before the workshop for whatever reason, as spaces are limited. Thank you for understanding.

When booking please ensure you add your workshop to your cart and checkout

(for iPhone you will find the cart in the bottom left corner, for PC you will find the cart in the top right hand corner). This applies to both YL and non-YL Member bookings

This workshop is run in person at Waverley, NSW, 2024 plus via live Zoom (at your choice!) from 2 pm-4.30 pm. please note there will be no Zoom recording


Peri Menopause

Thursday 4th September 7:30 pm EST

Presented by naturopath Emily Yates.

Learn the changes in the female body during the transformation into our “second spring” and the numerous ways to reduce perimenopausal symptoms naturally.

These monthly deep dive webinars presented by various practitioners are exclusive to Young Living account holders in our community. If you are not yet a YL account holder please click the button below which explains everything about joining our low-tox community and how to get started. 

If you have any questions feel free to email me.


DIY “make and take” home cleaning and personal care staples

Sunday 14th September 2025

Learn how to make and take home your own super-simple toxic-free bleach, dishwasher powder, shower mould spray, all-purpose household cleaner, fabric softener, dishwasher rinse aid, insect repellent, perfume roller and skin serum using all-natural, essential oil-infused ingredients.

Presented by: Soulla Chamberlain

Time: 2-4:30 pm

Venue: 23 Kent Street, Waverley, NSW, 2024

Cost: $30 for YL account holders in the Star Anise Organic Wholefoods Young Living community. $50 for non Young Living account holders.

If you would like to understand what is involved in becoming a YL account holder prior to the workshop click here to find out more, or email or call Soulla Chamberlain on 0407 871 884.  

*Once paid, the workshop fee is non-refundable if you cancel on or before the workshop for whatever reason, as spaces are limited. Thank you for understanding.

When booking please ensure you add your workshop to your cart and checkout

(for iPhone you will find the cart in the bottom left corner, for PC you will find the cart in the top right hand corner). This applies to both YL and non-YL Member bookings


Mould Webinar

Thursday 2nd October 2025, 7:30pm EST

Presented by Building Biologist Jo Lia, Naturopath Emily Rose Yates and Soulla Chamberlain.

Understand the dangers that mould can have to your system and how to safely and effectively remove mould from your home, personal effects and system using our 4 step mould protocol. 

These monthly deep dive webinars presented by various practitioners are exclusive to Young Living account holders in our community. If you are not yet a YL account holder please click the button below which explains everything about joining our low-tox community and how to get started. 

If you have any questions feel free to email me.


Aroma Freedom Technique (AFT) Community Workshop

Sunday 19th October, 20024

Experience the power of the Aroma Freedom Technique (AFT) in this transformative session led by an AFT Certified Practitioner.

AFT is a gentle yet highly effective process designed to help you align your goals by clearing emotional blocks and resistance. Using YL essential oil-infused techniques, we’ll guide you in identifying and releasing subconscious patterns that may be holding you back, allowing you to move forward with clarity, confidence, and ease.

Whether you’re looking to break through overwhelm, find emotional balance, or create a vision for your next steps, this session is a powerful opportunity to reconnect with your purpose and take inspired action.

Come ready to explore, release, and align with your truest self in a safe, supportive environment. Let’s make this a turning point for your personal growth!

Time: 2-4:30 pm EST

Presented by: Sylvia Tarchalska, Aroma Freedom and Neuro Transformation Practitioner

Venue: 23 Kent Street, Waverley, NSW, 2024.

Cost: $15 for YL account holders in the Star Anise Organic Wholefoods Young Living community, $20 for non-Young Living account holders

If you would like to understand what is involved in becoming a YL account holder prior to the workshop click here to find out more, or email or call Soulla Chamberlain on 0407 871 884.

Once paid, the workshop fee is non-refundable if you cancel on or before the workshop, as spaces are limited. Thank you for understanding.

When booking please ensure you add your workshop to your cart and checkout

(for iPhone you will find the cart in the bottom left corner, for PC you will find the cart in the top right-hand corner). This applies to both YL and non-YL Member bookings


MTHFR Webinar

Thursday 6th November, 2025 7:30 pm EST

Presented by Natropath Emily Rose Yates.

Learn what the MTHFR gene is, how its mutation can impact you, how to get tested for it, the possible symptoms that may present, the recommendations on how to treat it, connection to methylation and histamine.

These monthly deep dive webinars presented by various practitioners are exclusive to Young Living account holders in our community. If you are not yet a YL account holder please click the button below which explains everything about joining our low-tox community and how to get started. 

If you have any questions feel free to email me.


Olis 101 low toxic living (introductory workshop)

Sunday 16th November, 2025

In this workshop you will learn the basics of how to use safe and powerful potent plant botanicals (therapeutic-grade essential oils made by the world leaders in the essential oils movement) as your first port of call wellness cabinet. Learn how simple and easy it can be to kick the toxic chemicals in your personal care products and cleaning products, and healthy swap to all-natural, super powerful, cost effective products that can be streamlined from one place. Reclaim power from external providers and create a less toxic, safer, home sanctuary for you and your family at your own pace in a positive and empowering way.

Presented by: Soulla Chamberlain

Time: 2-4:30 pm EST

Venue: 23 Kent Street, Waverley, NSW, 2024, also available via Zoom, details will be provided nearer date.

Cost: $0 for YL account holders in the Star Anise Organic Wholefoods Young Living community. $10 for non Young Living account holders.

Members feel free to bring as many friends of yours as possible, please book them in as additional person for no extra charge, We will be in touch with you to get their details.

If you would like to understand what is involved in becoming a YL account holder prior to the workshop click here to find out more, or email or call Soulla Chamberlain on 0407 871 884.

*Once paid, the workshop fee is non-refundable if you cancel on or before the workshop for whatever reason, as spaces are limited. Thank you for understanding.

When booking please ensure you add your workshop to your cart and checkout

(for iPhone you will find the cart in the bottom left corner, for PC you will find the cart in the top right hand corner). This applies to both YL and non-YL Member bookings

This workshop is run in person at Waverley, NSW, 2024 plus via live Zoom (at your choice!) from 2 pm-4.30 pm.


YL biz opportunity demystified

Thursday 4th December, 2025 7:30pm EST

Presented by Soulla Chamberlain various YL community leaders.

Q & A on how to create your own wellness business using the vehicle of YL and what it may look like for you.

These monthly deep dive webinars presented by various practitioners are exclusive to Young Living account holders in our community. If you are not yet a YL account holder please click the button below which explains everything about joining our low-tox community and how to get started. 

If you have any questions feel free to email me.