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October - Aroma Freedom Technique (AFT) Community Workshop - Young Living Member

Live Workshops

October - Aroma Freedom Technique (AFT) Community Workshop - Young Living Member

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October - Aroma Freedom Technique (AFT) Community Workshop - Young Living Member


Experience the power of the Aroma Freedom Technique (AFT) in this transformative session led by an AFT Certified Practitioner.

AFT is a gentle yet highly effective process designed to help you align your goals by clearing emotional blocks and resistance. Using YL essential oil-infused techniques, we’ll guide you in identifying and releasing subconscious patterns that may be holding you back, allowing you to move forward with clarity, confidence, and ease.

Whether you’re looking to break through overwhelm, find emotional balance, or create a vision for your next steps, this session is a powerful opportunity to reconnect with your purpose and take inspired action.

Come ready to explore, release, and align with your truest self in a safe, supportive environment. Let’s make this a turning point for your personal growth!

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Sunday 19th October 2025

This workshop is run in person at Waverley, NSW, 2024 from 2pm - 4:30pm.