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Wild Fish Broth

The Online Larder

Wild Fish Broth

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Wild Fish Broth


As an age-old elixir of health, broth (aka stock) is comforting, nourishing and satisfying. Fish broth is rich in iodine and trace minerals not often found in land animals.

Broth has a myriad of health benefits including supporting strong immunity, balancing out muscle meat and egg intake, helping to build, maintain and repair our osteo-skeletal system, promoting healthy digestive function, making skin and hair glow, and calming the nervous system.

Sold in 500ml 100% compostable cardboard container*.

Serve: Consume as a stand-alone hot drink (flavoured with fresh lemon, ginger, paprika if desired!) or as a base to fish soups, fish stews or seafood dishes.I grew up on Greek fish and vegetable soup with a good squeeze of lemon juice!

Storage: Store frozen. Thaw frozen broth in sealed container overnight in fridge. Once thawed, keep refrigerated in a sealed container, use within 3 days.

Ingredients: reverse osmosis filtered water, fish frames from wild fish, unrefined salt, pepper*, thyme*, bay leaves*. *Australian certified organic.

Contains: Fish. May be present: Crustacea.

*All our stocks are packed in 100% compostable material, which includes the bowl, lid and label. Please dispose the packaging in commercial composting, or your general waste bin. Many councils send their general waste to a Mechanical and Biological Treatment facility, which recovers the compostable material and captures methane emissions.

Shipping: Only to Greater Sydney (map here).

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what our customers say -

Hello! Love your product, the broths and soups literally saved me during my pregnancy and postpartum with twins 🙏🏻
— Annabelle