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Apple (or pear) custard tart

Guest User

This is great way to use up a large number of apples. We love eating this dish for breakfast (I prepare everything the night before then pop it into the oven the following morning). There is no added sweetener because apples and cinnamon, vanilla and nutmeg are sweet enough for us. However, you could easily convert to a dessert by further sweetening with a little maple syrup or honey if desired (add it into the custard ingredients before blending). 


8 apples, cored and sliced but unpeeled
2 star anise
2 tsp cinnamon powder
1 tsp vanilla bean powder
¼ tsp nutmeg
2 tablespoons coconut oil or butter for sautéing
coconut oil or butter for greasing quiche dish 

Custard Ingredients

200ml cream
6 eggs
1 tablespoon coconut oil


Melt butter or coconut oil for sautéing in a large frying pan. Add the apples (or pears) and spices and sauté on low to medium heat until soft, stirring occasionally.

Remove (and reserve) the star anise and pour the cooked apple mixture into a greased round quiche dish. 

Blend together the custard ingredients with a stick blender and pour on top of the cooked apple mixture. Position the star anise in the centre of the dish if desired. 

Bake at 120 degrees for 1 hour. 

Variations: use pears instead of apples.