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Creamy Rice Porridge

Guest User

Occasionally I love a creamy rice porridge for breakfast. My kids love it too, especially in winter. It’s the perfect winter warming comfort food for breakfast. The recipe below can be used for any type of gluten-free grains but white rice is our favourite closely followed by oats. 

As detailed in this blog, grains should ideally be properly prepared (such as by soaking overnight) before cooking them in order to make them more digestible and nutritious. 

I like to add in egg yolks, butter and cream as nutrient-dense bombs into my porridge to provide a creamy, super nutritious and satiating bowl (otherwise grains alone are too glycemic and leave me hungry a couple hours later). I like my porridge quite milky as I find grains can be very drying. If this is too much liquid for you, simply reduce the volume of milk to 2 cups.  


  • 1 cup rice

  • 3 cups full fat milk

  • 1.5 tablespoons butter (or coconut oil)

  • 2 tablespoon cream

  • 3-5 egg yolks

  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon powder or 1 drop Young Living cinnamon bark essential oil

  • 1 drop Young Living vanilla oil

  • ¼ teaspoon nutmeg or 1 drop Young Living nutmeg essential oil


  •  chopped banana

  • a handful of fresh berries

  • a scattering of goji berries 

  • a scattering of raw cacao nibs

  • a handful of coconut flakes

  • a handful of gluten-free activated muesli

  • dusting of raw cacao powder

  • dustings of cinnamon powder 

  • a drizzle of raw honey


  1. Soak rice overnight in a bowl of water (add enough water so that the rice is well covered).  

  2. Strain (and discard the soaking water) and rinse rice in filtered water. 

  3. Transfer rice to a saucepan, add milk, and cook on high heat, stirring occasionally, until the milk just begins to simmer then immediately lower the temperature and cook, covered, stirring occasionally until the rice is well-cooked and completely soft (approx. 10 mins). Be careful not to allow the milk to boil. 

  4. Turn off heat and stir through the rest of the porridge ingredients. 

  5. Divide between 3 bowls and serve with any one or more of the suggested toppings.

Serves 3.

Variation: Instead of rice, use any other gluten-free grains such as oats, millet, amaranth or quinoa and reduce the volume of milk to 2 cups instead of 3 cups.