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This blog started as a way for me to share my recipes + culinary adventures, tips for vibrant health + happiness, thoughts on the latest developments in nutritional medicine + the low down on the Sydney wholefoods scene and beyond...

Healthy Halloween trick or treat bags at Broth Bar & Larder

Guest User


Truth be told, Halloween has never been a favourite occasion of mine even as a youngster but I know some peeps who absolute love it.  For those who wish to offer their munchkins some healthy nutrient-dense treats for Halloween this year (instead of the artificial refined crap on the market) we again pull out the goods and have our healthy Halloween treat bags for sale. In them you will find a selection of some of our best-selling kids’ favourite artisan raw treats along with some yummy savoury snacks too (plus some Halloween jokes!).

As I’ve been saying for well over a decade, it’s not about deprivation, it’s about healthy swaps 🙌🏻

You won’t find any artificial, fake or processed ingredients in our bags!

We are only making 25 bags this year (given it’s a bit of an unusual year) so FIRST IN FIRST SERVED.

These will be available at Broth Bar & Larder from 25 Oct. You can pre-order  by calling Broth Bar staff on 0421 786 009 (pre-orders must be pre paid). Otherwise first in first served from 25th Oct.

Love Soulla 🎃👻☠️👽👹😈👺

P.S. please keep your treat bags in the fridges as the gummies and chocolate treats need refrigeration as they contain no preservatives!!