Education brings power, power brings choice and choice brings the opportunity to radically uplevel our existence
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Dear Star Anise Organic Wholefoods community,
Education is and always has been a huge focus of my life and all my businesses. As the creator of my retail store Broth Bar & Larder, as a Health Coach, as the creator of my Food as Medicine digital package, and my Young Living oily biz- the central theme is inspiring and empowering people to step into a more vibrant version of themselves through the lens of robust, unfiltered, unpoliticised, no BS education. I am a student for life. I see planet Earth not as my home but as my school. It is forever ripe with opportunities to learn and grow. Sometimes the lessons are difficult and painful. The lessons keep presenting themselves to us time and again until we learn them, integrate them, and are no longer triggered by them.
I believe that education brings power, power brings choice and choice brings an opportunity to radically uplevel the heath and consciousness of people and planet. Right now, this is the most important thing in the world. As a lawyer I was taught to not accept the status quo, to adopt an investigative mind, to critically analyse, to not blindly ‘go with the crowd’, to think freely (even if it’s the minority view) and to trust that at the end of the day “the truth will out”.
Fortunately, over the years I have learnt to hone in on my highly attuned intuition. And I have learnt to listen very closely for feedback from my body and from mother nature. I have a supportive tribe and a loving partner to lean on and burgeon me forward. I trust, honour and revere the wisdom of my wise biology and I understand that I am my own sovereign being. I want each of you to feel empowered, too, to show up each day and do your best and then surrender to what is outside your control and trust that everything is divinely unfolding as it should.
The most important thing we can do right now on this planet is learn how to take the utmost care of ourselves- physically, emotionally and spiritually. When we take care of ourselves everything else will take care of itself. Self-care is the cheapest, safest and best form of health care. I have blogged about this here and here and here recently. And you can read this one-pager from a native American tribe which I found at the start of last year which reinforced that I was on the right path of prioritising self-care. I also took comfort in Charles Eisenstein’s A Gathering of the Tribe.
These are momentous and unprecedented times, and the intensity can be overwhelming. Know that it is always darkest before the dawn and that light always prevails over dark.
If you need support or want to be embraced by a like-minded tribe, please do reach out and I can point you in the right direction and/or warmly welcome you into our Star Anise Essentials community.
I am sending you all masses of love, light and strength.
Love Soulla xxx