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Greek olive and mint loaf (“Eliopita”)


This blog started as a way for me to share my recipes + culinary adventures, tips for vibrant health + happiness, thoughts on the latest developments in nutritional medicine + the low down on the Sydney wholefoods scene and beyond...

Greek olive and mint loaf (“Eliopita”)

Guest User


I took my mama’s traditional recipe and “wholefoodised” it to make it gluten-free and maximise nutrient-density. The whole house reminds me of my mum when we bake this this. My kids LOVE it! I hope you do too!



  • 1.5 cups (250g) of activated savoury buckwheat

  • 100g Reggiano Parmigiano (parmesan) cheese

  • 1 cup whole milk

  • 1 cup (250g) Greek style full fat yogurt 

  • ½ cup extra virgin cold pressed olive oil

  • 4 eggs

  • 80g (3/4 cup) pitted black olives, roughly chopped, plus extra for decorating

  • 1 bunch (approx. 50g) mint, roughly chopped, stems removed


Process activated buckwheat in a nut grinder or Thermomix (speed 9, 20 seconds) until it resembles a soft fine flour and add it to a large mixing bowl. 

Beat the eggs with stick blender, or process in a food processor or Thermomix (speed 6, 20 seconds) until fluffy and add to the large mixing bowl.

Grate the cheese by processing it in a food processor or Thermomix (speed 9, 15 seconds) and add to the large mixing bowl.

Add the rest of the ingredients to the large mixing bowl and stir until they are well combined to form a batter. 

Pour batter into a 20cm2 square cake tin or rectangular loaf tin lined with baking paper and decorate with a scattering of olives on top. 

Bake at 180 degrees for 1 hour or until a skewer comes out clean. This is the same cooking time if making a double batch in a larger cake tin (I use a 30cm x 30cm cake tin).

Place under heated grill element to brown the top of the slice (if required). 

Allow to cool before cutting into large square segments of about 10 cm2 (for square cake tin) or 1 inch slices (for loaf tin). Serve at room temperature.

Slices can be stored in an airtight container for 3 days before requiring refrigeration. They can be frozen up to 3 months. 

If you love this recipe you might also like to try my flaounes recipe which is another wholefoods spin on a traditional Cypriot family recipe.