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Soulla x 


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 I only give Xmas gifts from these 3 places. Ever. I always give the gift of health because without your health, you have nothing.


This blog started as a way for me to share my recipes + culinary adventures, tips for vibrant health + happiness, thoughts on the latest developments in nutritional medicine + the low down on the Sydney wholefoods scene and beyond...

I only give Xmas gifts from these 3 places. Ever. I always give the gift of health because without your health, you have nothing.

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Click to see video of Christmas Hamper ideas from Broth Bar & Larder

Dear community,
The silly season is fast approaching and while most people throw their arms up in despair wondering what the heck to buy loved ones, for me it is super simple.
I always give the gift of health because without your health, you have nothing.
For the past 7 years I have been gifting gifts for loved ones (which have been VERY well received) from these 3 places only:

1. Broth Bar & Larder
My retail space Broth Bar & Larder in Bronte sells the full gamut of our organic artisan whole foods that set the standard for the industry including a selection of third party products such as olive oil, maple syrup and body butters.
A gift voucher is perfect if you want to gift someone the gift of choice. Simply call my friendly staff on 0421 786 009 and they will organise.
Otherwise we can organise a hamper box containing a selection of activated nuts, chocolate, power bars, olive oil, body butters, and other delicious items that are nourishing and will also be well received. Check these out for some ideas:

2. Our online store
If you can’t make it to my retail store, conveniently order online from our online store. Our activated dry goods range (including activated muesli) can be shipped Australia-wide, and cold/frozen goods can be shipped to Sydney, Greater Sydney and Wollongong.

3. Young Living
YL make the largest range of highest quality essential oils on the planet plus toxic free personal care products and cleaning products.
Inspiring someone onto a low tox path and swapping out some of their toxic product for toxic-free ones is one of greatest gifts you could give someone.
In the past my family and friends have absolutely LOVED receiving:

  • Essential oils instead of toxic conventional perfumes / aftershaves (my favourite perfume oils are Present Time, Joy, frankincense, ylang ylang)

  • Shampoo and conditioner for luscious hair

  • Cleansers, toners, face moisturizers, face scrubs

  • Hand creams, hand soaps, lip balms, shower gels and body lotions

  • Diffusers (diffusing oils has been scientifically shown to improve immunity,  focus and sleep as well as reduce cortisol levels).

  • A YL Starter Kit (containing 12 oils and a diffuser as a super special gift)

  • A bottle of Ningxia Red (instead of a bottle of alcohol) - made from pureed goji berries, pomegranates and plums. This whole fruit infusion tastes delicious and has an unparalleled ORAC reading making it the world’s highest antioxidant food source (meaning it is the most powerful food based detoxifier). 60ml a day has become a staple in addition to bone broth.

  • Items from the Xmas catalogue

If you don’t yet have a YL wholesale account, simply email me and I can organise one for you so that you can purchase everything at wholesale prices. I will even throw in a special welcome gift of your choice (choose from YL face cleanser, YL toner, YL coconut lime body butter, or essential oils).

Click to watch a video of Young Living Christmas gift ideas

Love Soulla xx