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Filtering by Tag: Easter eggs


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Our nutrient-dense no-crap Easter chocolates are now available for sale at Broth Bar & Larder. This is artisan chocolate made with the highest quality ingredients. We have tweaked our original recipe to make it more kid-friendly for younger palates.

We have 2 fabulous offerings this Easter! --->



These little fellows are made of solid raw dark chocolate and retail for $16.50 (cheaper than the Lindt ones I saw in Woollies!)

Perfect for all the yummy mummies, delicious daddies and little bunnies out there….these will get your bunny tails shaking! 



These delightful little half eggs are the perfect mouth-sized treat. Each egg is decorated with either a goji berry, an activated almond or activated cinnamon buckwheat. You can pop them into some hard plastic egg-shaped containers from $2 shops for those treasured Easter egg hunts (pictured below). 

They are retailing for $15/100g bag and each bag has a mixture of the 3 flavours. 


Our artisan chocolate is made with the following 4 pure ingredients:

  • Raw cacao powder
  • Raw cacao butter
  • Mineral rich Canadian maple syrup
  • A pinch of sea salt to add further minerals and to further reduce bitterness of the raw cacao powder.

This year we have reformulated our signature raw dark chocolate recipe by reducing the amount of raw cacao powder to make it less bitter for younger palates. Because it is less bitter, we reduced the amount of maple syrup as less sweetener is needed when there is less raw cacao powder. Commercial manufactures increase the amount of sweetener for kids’ chocolates but we did the opposite as we know how unnecessary and damaging an excess of sweeteners are, especially for young growing bodies. The result is a silky smooth melt-in-your-mouth buttery sensation with a hint of raw dark chocolate. We trialed these on the harshest of critics (kids!) and got the big thumbs up!

To read about the nutritional benefits of raw cacao powder and what’s in commercially-produced chocolate that you might want to steer clear of (such as soy lecithins, refined sweetens, agave syrup, preservatives, milk powders), read one of my earlier newsletters here.

If these Easter chocolates don’t take your fancy, there’s always our sokolata (raw dark chocolate slabs…choose from 4 different flavours retailing from $12.50/100g) or our raw cacao coconut balls (sweetened with whole medjool dates retailing at $17.50/bag of 6). 


Or you can pre-order (to avoid disappointment) by emailing and we will put packets aside for you. we can also courier the Yummy Bunnies to Sydney Metro Areas for an additional courier fee.

We are closed over the Easter 4 day long weekend 25-28 March!


Eat the real deal for Easter - raw cacao chocolate coconut balls

P1010757I'm dreading all the processed chocolate my kids are going to come home with this week from school as Easter looms around the corner. When did every significant calendar event become an obessesion with stuffing my kids school bags with junk food? Click here to read a terrific article on this very point currently doing the rounds of the blogosphere. So what's in commercial chocolate that is so nasty? I had a quick look at the ingredients of some popular brands of chocolate sold in DJs yesterday and this is what I saw......  sugar, soy lecithins and other emulsifiers, milk powders, barley malt extract, glucose syrup (made from wheat starch), preservative 220, flavour and colour 122. And don't kid yourself in thinking that the world famous brands like Lindt are immune from this litany of ingredients. The first (and hence dominant) ingredient in one certified organic brand is  rapadura whole cane sugar and the fourth ingredient was soy lecithin. And while rapadura is much less processed than white refined sugar, sugar is still sugar which is still sugar and if that is the main ingredient in what is going into my or my kids' mouths then I'm going to think twice about it. Many trendy organic brands sweeten with agave syrup, which I am not a fan of as it is 90% fructose and creates severe fluctuations in blood sugar levels with insulin spikes and crashes.

There is no chocolate that I know of on the market that ticks all of the boxes…which is why I started making my own years ago. I’m talking about REAL chocolate made from unprocessed raw cacao powder, raw cacao butter, coconut oil and sweetened slightly with whole medjool dates. I roll these into 20g balls and roll into desiccated coconut. No sugar or other sweeteners required. When the quality of the underlying ingredients are the real deal, then you don't need to add much, if any, sweeteners (natural or otherwise).


The raw cacao powder I buy is long fermented and high in antioxidents. Raw cacao butter and coconut oil are high in healthy saturated fats and also slow down the release of fruit sugars contained in the dates.

So when my kids come home with armfuls of processed (or what I call "fake") chocolate, I tell my kids that life is too short to feel sick by processed foods and that if you want to eat chocolate be sure to eat the best quality chocolate available. And I swap every piece of junk food with one of my chocolate coconut balls or activated nut coconut balls (and make sure they don't eat them all in one hit!).

I pop chocolate coconut balls and activated nut coconut balls (the latter being chocolate free) into coloured plastic egg containers and hide them around the garden for an Easter egg hunt for the children and their friends on Easter Sunday.

If you want your kids, family and friends to enjoy real chocolate for Easter (or any other time of year!) without any of the nasties, pick up a bag of my hand-made chocolate coconut balls…..the real (raw) deal!

$15 for a packet of 6 balls.