2021 was in a word, wild, and if I was the producer of Sesame Street I would say that 2021 was brought to you by the letters “W.T.F”. However the shining light on the year was that in addition to the strong bonds of friendships and super tight knit communities formed, one thing that is crystal clear is that robust health is our number one asset.
The key to vibrant health is my 2 pronged formula of increasing nourishment (in all areas of your life) and reducing the toxicity (in all areas of life). This simple-in-theory directive will allow the body to heal, thrive and function optimally including a building a much coveted strong immune system which will take on more and more importance in defending and protecting us. In practical terms there are 8 key areas of your life (what I call the 8 foundations of health) that profoundly impact your health (nutrition, hydration, movement, sleep, breathe, mindset, fun/play/connection and the environment in which you spend most of your time) – each of which can be a source of nourishment or toxicity.
While all 8 foundations of health are vitally important, the 2 pillars that I remain super passionate about, are inspiring and empower people to make healthier choices with:
1. What to eat (and how to source their food and prepare it); and
2. The personal care products and cleaning products they use in their home environment (as your home is the ONLY environment that you can control).
These 2 areas what I call the low hanging fruit. You’ve got to eat 2-3 times a day and most people in the western world use a selection of personal care products and cleaning products. Healthy swapping to more nourishing choices is the fastest, simplest and most profound way to increase nourishment and reduce toxicity in your body. It’s not an additional thing we need to do- we are eating anyway, and we are using shampoo, conditioner, make up, moisturiser, hand soap, shower gels, sunscreen, cleaning agents, laundry liquids, dishwashing liquids, toothpaste etc.