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Soulla x 


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This blog started as a way for me to share my recipes + culinary adventures, tips for vibrant health + happiness, thoughts on the latest developments in nutritional medicine + the low down on the Sydney wholefoods scene and beyond...

Filtering by Category: Workshops

First Comes Disbelief, Then Outrage, Then ... Healthy Swaps!!

Guest User

When you start reading the ingredient list of the products that you USE ON YOURSELF AND YOUR CHILDREN you come to the sobering realisation not everything is safe. You learn that ingredients in conventional personal care products and household cleaning products are carcinogenic, neurotoxic, endocrine disrupting and wipeout beneficial bacteria. First comes disbelief, then outrage, then ... healthy swaps!!!

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Is it any wonder that we have an epidemic of chronic illness?

Guest User

If you are ready to embrace a less toxic, more holistic, path, I’ll inspire and empower you to kick the chemicals in your home (the epicentre of your health) and healthy swap to all-natural, cost-effective, super powerful versions; and reclaim power from external providers by using the best of mother nature-potent plant botanicals.

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Free webinar - what conventional medicine doesn’t tell you about the contraceptive pill

Star Anise

In my teens I battled with severe cystic acne. Western Medicines’ response was to prescribe me a script of Roaccutane and the contraceptive pill. There was no discussion about the side effect of the pill and, like most women my age, I dutifully took the pill for over a decade having done no research as to its effect on my body. This is such a common story. And it has to change. We need to EMPOWER ourselves and our daughters with robust education about something that so profoundly affects our body, hormones and fertility. It is only by being fully informed that we can then make INFORMED choices.  


If you’d like to know what conventional medicine doesn’t tell you about the contraceptive pill, I invite you to join me at 7:30pm on April 5 for an honest, open and frank discussion as to what this ubiquitously prescribed drug does to women’s health.   


 I will be co-presenting with 2 powerhouse women: 



In this free Zoom webinar we will: 


💊 Share our personal stories on the contraceptive pill 

💊Discuss what the contraceptive pill does to the body especially our hormones 

💊Discuss how hormones are driven by lifestyle factors 

💊Dive into simple lifestyle choices that can be addressed to self-regulate our hormones and hence our health 

💊Discuss which Young Living oils you can use day to day and at that time of the month to support women’s health 

💊Answer all your questions 


All Zoom participants will be gifted a complimentary salon Signature Treatment at Blown Away Hair Spa with any service in the salon. 


Book your FREE ticket 


I can’t wait to see you there! 


Love Soulla xx