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April - Raindrop Workshop- Young Living Member

Live Workshops

April - Raindrop Workshop- Young Living Member

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April - Raindrop Workshop- Young Living Member


Immerse yourself in this 5 hour mastermind where you will learn, give AND receive Gary Young's revolutionary Raindrop Technique for energetic balance and spinal alignment. 

We will cover:

- basic spinal anatomy and pathology

- information on specific oils used  and possible options for adaptations to the technique

- application techniques for maximum benefit 

- hands-on opportunity to give and receive raindrop with guidance and much more.

Maximum of 16 participants (8 tables with a pair of people at each table).

BYO raindrop kit or the individual oils from the kit, towels plus a table between a pair of people.

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Sunday 6th April 2025

This workshop is run in person at Waverley, NSW, 2024 from 11am - 4pm