Oils 101 / Low Tox workshop
In this workshop I will give you a general overview of how simple, easy and cost effective it can be to rid your house of all hormone-disruptive toxic chemicals and healthy swap to all-natural cost-effective and super powerful versions, one by one, in a positive and empowering way.
Did you know that our greatest exposure to environmental toxins is in our home? Scientific research suggests that the conventional personal care products, perfumes, make up, pharmaceuticals and household cleaning products that line our supermarket and pharmacy shelves contain a slew of toxic ingredients that wreak havoc on our and our childrens’ systems, as well as adversely affect the health of our planet. Being mindful of the food we eat is a terrific start, but what we put on our skin and breathe into our lungs is just as, if not more, important than the food we eat as our skin and lungs have no digestive filters!
The good news is that it is never too late to start kicking the chemicals to the curb to create a less toxic home environment for you and your family. Your home is after all the ONE and only environment you can control!
To access the free online workshop, please fill out the form below. If you already are a Young Living member in my community, there is no need to fill out the form below as you already have automatic access to this free workshop in the Member Resources page of my website. Simply pop in the password to the Member Resources page and head to the Essential Oils 101 Videos section.
I discuss in my renowned uncomplicated, no-nonsense, practical approach:
the various toxins found in common personal care products and household cleaning products and how they effect our system and the planet
what we as conscious consumers aspire to and why Young Living ticks all the boxes as a one stop shop in terms of both quality and range
how to incorporate essential oils and oil infused products into your life to create a less toxic, more nourishing, home for you and your family
what sets Young Living apart from all other essential oil companies on the market
an overview of 12 specific essential oils (both blends and singles) found in the Young Living Premium Starter Kit including what they can be used for and, in particular, how they can replace conventional household cleaning products, personal care products, pharmaceuticals and perfumes to lower your toxic load
how to purchase a Young Living starter kit (if you so choose) in the most economical way
the benefits, resources and support you will receive in joining my Young Living community
Those who can not make it to an in-person workshop
Those aspiring to be pharmacy-free and chemical-free
Those who are interested in healthy swapping their personal care products, air fresheners, perfumes, make up, pharmaceuticals and household cleaners with non toxic, super powerful, cost effective, all-natural alternatives, one by one at their own pace
Those who are interested in being their family’s alchemist and healer in the first instance and in particular only want to use the highest quality essential oils on the planet especially for therapeutic purposes
Those who are interested to learn about essential oils generally and Young Living specifically and why Young Living are in a league of their own as the world leaders in essential oils with their two decade leadership history
Those who want to learn how to use essential oils to promote, maintain and support their and their family’s health and to reduce their chemical burden
Those who want to take their and their family’s health and well-being to the next level
“I found this online video to be HUGELY useful & very interesting. Thank you!! ”
“Hi Soulla, I just wanted to say thank you so much for the workshop. I found it to be so incredibly informative, coupled with so many “ah-ha” moments. This journey was always going to be a slow process for me, but I’m pleased to say my husband (who watched with me) is onboard with swapping over our cleaning products. It’s my goal to become more educated and aware around healthy swaps, and the fact he’s in agreement to make a shift is a massive win. You’ve really opened the door up to a new world and I think this might just be the beginning! Keep doing you and spreading your magic ✨ I’m so excited to see where this journey takes us. Thank you again”
“I have been following your Instagram for over 12 months now and I love the daily uses of the essential oils ... but it wasn’t until your workshop that I truly understand the power that the young living oils have to offer”
“Hi Soulla. I just wanted to share my essential oils journey so far. I use them everyday, for baths, diffusing, eating and topically. I can’t see my life without them now and the list of other oils I want to try is growing. I love the online Member Resources page !!!! I refer to it for everything. My husband and kids have embraced the journey. Thieves is the next range I’d like to try (EXIT MOULD has left the house)! I made your chocolate bulletproof with a drop of peppermint, OMG tasted like a mint slice! Soulla, I can’t thank you enough. Your passion has made a beautiful impact on my life, I can’t wait to see where this journey takes me. Many thanks and love”
“I loved the workshop and very much enjoyed learning about the uses and ways in which to use and apply the oils to my life, and incorporate them in nearly every aspect of life. I will definitely be signing up. I really thought there was a massive difference between Young Living and other leading brands. It is a testament to Young Living, because I can already smell and notice the quality difference. I loved hearing about your journey because I am obsessed with your products and philosophy on eating...”
“Soulla, your workshop was very interesting and inspiring. I got home ready to make a change in our families day to day lives and reduce our toxin intake”
“Soulla, your knowledge and enthusiasm have been the inspiration I needed to begin my journey with Young Living. I was super excited to receive my kit this morning which I promptly took into our Alexandria office where all staff members are currently enjoying a blend of Frankie, Lemon and Peppermint”
“I really admire your energy and determination to continue to spread your love and kindness into your community and environment. Your physical being is a true reflection of the passion and zest for life you insist upon for yourself, your family and friends. Be proud of you, Soulla. You are a great inspiration to me and I am extremely grateful to you, to be invited into your home, to receive your guidance and advice when I ask, thank you”