One thing I have become extremely passionate about is women’s entrepreneurship: inspiring and empowering women to build heart-centred businesses by working smart, being authentic and doing what they love. By connecting others with Young Living, you have the opportunity to not only make a positive impact on others’ lives and the planet but also make an income that can exceed your wildest dreams.
Maybe you simply want to have your household expenses paid for, maybe you wish to pay off your debts, or maybe you want out of the 9 to 5 grind to ultimately enjoy complete financial freedom. Whatever level of income you aspire, we take you under our wings with our comprehensive training program to provide you with all the tools and resources you need to create your dream business or side business at your own pace, in your own home, and on your own terms backed with the support of a strong inter-laced network. Watch this 1 hour webinar to appreciate the potential and to start envisioning and living the life of your dreams!
To access the free webinar, please fill out the form below.
How I (accidentally!) started my Young Living business
Why network marketing really is a genius sales model
the 7 things I love the most about the YL business
The reasons why YL is the perfect vehicle to fulfil your dreams
The 3 types of financial income and why residual income is so attractive
The YL compensation plan
How the YL business has changed my life
How the YL business differs from a bricks and mortar retail store
Our comprehensive training program including our 10 step business manual that facilitates a duplicable systematic approach
How to share the products that feels authentic to you
Some self limiting beliefs around network marketing
Hear from a number of my YL biz leaders (ordinary mums like me) why they joined me in sharing the YL products and the impact the YL business has had on their lives personally and financially
Are you at a cross road in your career? Do you …
feel more inspired and fulfilled by making a genuine impact?
want to pursue something in the health and wellness space without formal study?
want to do something from the comfort of your home, with your kids around you
want to run a business or side business at your own pace, on your own terms and be your own boss with maximum flexibility?
want to create something truly beautiful for YOU which also leaves a legacy for your children?
want the full support of a heart-centred community with comprehensive training material and resources so you don’t ever need to reinvent the wheel?
want to make a fabulous income that can exceed your wildest dreams?
want a business or side hustle that can cover your household expenses and debts while opening up opportunity to travel, visit farms and continuous education?
want to share products that are of unparalleled quality, ‘best in class’, and that make a profound difference in peoples’ lives an don the planet?
want to step into a greater version of yourself while mentoring and empowering others to do the same?
want to be aligned with a company that puts the health of people and planet above profits and is the undisputed leader in their field with 25 years of industry leadership?