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The Online Larder

Classic Beef Stew — Broth Bar & Larder 'Meal Of The Day'

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Screenshot 2021-09-10 at 14.58.07 1.png

Classic Beef Stew — Broth Bar & Larder 'Meal Of The Day'


100% pastured beef 15 hour slow cooked with broth, root veggies, greens and herbs.

Sold in a 500g container ($25).

Serve: Gently warm up in a saucepan on stove-top.

Storage: Store frozen. Thaw frozen meal in a sealed container overnight in the fridge. Once thawed, keep refrigerated in a sealed container, use within 3 days.

Shipping: Only to Greater Sydney (map here). Select COLD GOODS as shipping option in checkout.

lngredients: 100% grass fed beef chuck steak, carrots* , onions*, potatoes*, sweet potato*, celery*, zucchini*, tomato passata*, red wine*, our signature beef or chicken broth*, garlic*, dried thyme*, basil*, oregano*, paprika*, bay leaves*, pink lake salt, pepper*. *Certified organic

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