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Nourishing Postpartum Pack

The Online Larder

Nourishing Postpartum Pack

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Nourishing Postpartum Pack


One of the greatest gifts you can give a new mama or a mama-to-be is nutrient-dense whole foods that nourish her and her baby’s body. The food she eats profoundly impacts her and her baby’s mental and physical health.

This nutrient-dense organic postpartum pack is full of all of the essential macro and micro nutrients that a mama needs during this pivotal stage in her life to restore, nourish, satisfy and delight.

This thoughtfully curated package contains organic artisan products that are most favoured by expectant and new mamas, with a combination of savoury staple items plus some healthy raw treats.

All products are free of grains, industrial seed oils, refined /artificial ingredients, and also dairy (other than the chicken liver pâté which contains butter but a dairy-free version is available made with olive oil).

The package includes the following organic products:

Storage: Store soup and chicken liver pate in freezer and defrost in fridge. Store raw cacao power bars, sauerkraut and bone broth in fridge. Store snack mix, biscuits and crackers in fridge or cool dry place.

Shipping: Only to Greater Sydney (map here).

Gift card: if this package is a gift, please leave your desired message to the recipient in the Delivery Instructions at Check Out and we will include a complimentary gift card containing the message.

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what our customers say -

Hello! Love your product, the broths and soups literally saved me during my pregnancy and postpartum with twins 🙏🏻
— Annabelle

“Your products saved me postpartum during COVID! It was my mums way of sending her love and now we are hooked”

— Sarah Jane