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Organic Bliss Balls

The Online Larder

Organic Bliss Balls

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Organic Bliss Balls


Our handcrafted bliss balls were born from a desire to create a chocolate fix with no empty fillers and minimal ingredients, with each ingredient being as nutrient dense as possible. They are made with only certified organic ingredients and contain no gluten, dairy or empty fillers. Sweetened only with medjool dates as opposed to a concentrated sweetener, our balls are the perfect sized, guilt-free treat!

Sold in a 120g bag. Servings per pack: 6.

Available in 3 flavours:
i) Activated Hazelnut
ii) Raw Cacao
iii) Choc Orange

Storage: Store in fridge.

Shipping: Available Australia Wide.

Ingredients and Flavours: See below.

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what our customers say -

Just thought I’d drop you a line to say I loved your date, nut and coconut balls last night! I’m still in raptures! Well done & keep up the great work!
— Lis
Soulla, your products are amazing. The nuts are the nicest nuts I have ever eaten! The other snacks did not last very long.. used some of the coconut balls as a small desert and they were a massive hit
— Dr Kate Norris

ingredients -

raw cacao

Over a decade ago I inadvertently ordered 20kg of raw cacao butter (instead of 2kg!) and in sheer desperation thought of ways to use it up. Enter choc balls, and then many years of trial and error to perfect the taste and texture.  Sweetened only with medjool dates as opposed to a concentrated sweetener and containing no empty fillers, these make the perfect sized treat. Enjoy without the guilt! 

Ingredients: medjool dates*, raw cacao powder*, desiccated coconut*, raw cacao butter*, coconut oil*. *Certified organic. May be present: tree nuts, sesame.

activated nut

The hazelnuts in our handcrafted bliss balls are 'activated'. 'Activated' refers to the process of soaking (in filtered water) and dehydrating (not roasting!) at low temperature to increase the bioavailability of nutrients and improve digestibility.

Ingredients: medjool dates*, desiccated coconut*, activated hazelnuts*, coconut oil*. *Certified organic. Contains: hazelnut. May be present: other tree nuts, sesame.

choc orange

Our handcrafted bliss balls are infused with Young Living 100% pure food-grade orange essential oil. In addition, the bliss balls are rolled into crushed dehydrated oranges, which are sliced by hand, and dehydrated until crispy.

Ingredients: medjool dates*, raw cacao powder*, raw cacao butter*, coconut oil*, crushed dehydrated oranges*, 100% pure food-grade orange essential oil. *Certified organic. May be present: tree nuts, sesame.