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Organic Sokolata (Artisan Raw Dark Chocolate)

The Online Larder

Organic Sokolata (Artisan Raw Dark Chocolate)

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Organic Sokolata (Artisan Raw Dark Chocolate)


Our Sokolata (chocolate in Greek) was born from an obsession for chocolate and a passion for clean wholefoods. We have created the purest, highest quality, artisan raw dark chocolate on the market, free of refined and high-fructose sweeteners. Our handcrafted chocolate not only tastes exquisite, but is nutrient-dense, containing antioxidants and minerals. Pure chocolate contains tryptophan, which helps the brain make serotonin, a neurotransmitter that makes us feel happy and satisfied.

As a testament to our chocolate's purity and in honour of old world traditions, our 'original' signature raw dark chocolate is made with only 4 ingredients and has an intense, full bodied flavour.

Free from gluten, dairy and refined sugar.

Sold in 100g bags and 5 different flavours:
i) Original
ii) Peppermint
iii) Activated Macadamia Nut
iv) Orange and Chilli
v) Fruit and Activated Nuts

Storage: Store in fridge. Consume by best before date.

Shipping: Available Australia Wide.

Ingredients and Flavours: See below.

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what our customers say -

The best most addictive chocolate!! Yum!
— Lori
I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoy your product. I’m probably developing an addiction - no, not developing, I’m addicted!! The flavour is complex and the texture so smooth. And I’m developing a taste for the orange and chilli too. Thanks for a great product
— Elizabeth
I have had many organic/natural chocolates over the last 10 years from all over the world… these ones have to be the best by far! My fav is the cinnamon crunch… well done! Your macadamia nuts are the best too!
— Peter
Soulla - your chocolate bars are insane. So delicious!
— Sylvia

ingredients -

the original organic raw dark sokolata

“Sokolata” means chocolate in Greek. My love and obsession with chocolate and inability to find a chocolate bar in the marketplace that I was 100% happy with was the impetus to create this guilt-free raw dark chocolate made with the highest quality ingredients. Hand-crafted and sweetened only with pure maple syrup for its smoothness, mineral content and excellent glucose to fructose ratio.  THIS IS THE REAL DEAL. 

81% cacao raw dark chocolate, maple syrup sweetened, handcrafted in small batches

Ingredients: raw cacao butter*, raw cacao powder*, pure Canadian maple syrup, unrefined salt. *Certified organic. May be present: tree nuts, sesame.

peppermint organic raw dark sokolata

Our 'peppermint' chocolate infuses our signature raw dark chocolate with the purest and most potent peppermint oil on the market, to create a cool and minty flavour sensation.

81% cacao raw dark chocolate, maple syrup sweetened, handcrafted in small batches

Ingredients: raw cacao butter, raw cacao powder, pure Canadian maple syrup*, 100% pure food-grade peppermint essential oil, unrefined salt. *Certified organic. May be present: tree nuts, sesame.

activated macadamia nut organic raw dark sokolata

Our 'macadamia nut' chocolate combines our best-selling activated macadamias with our signature raw dark chocolate, in a blissful combination. 'Activated' refers to the process of soaking (in filtered water) and dehydrating (not roasting!) at low temperature to increase the bioavailability of nutrients and improve digestibility.

81% cacao raw dark chocolate, maple syrup sweetened, handcrafted in small batches

Ingredients: raw cacao butter* (37%), raw cacao powder* (24%), activated macadamia nuts*, pure Canadian maple syrup, unrefined salt. *Certified organic. Contains: macadamia. May be present: other tree nuts, sesame.

orange & chilli organic raw dark sokolata

Our 'orange & chilli' chocolate contains crispy dehydrated oranges and a hint of chilli for extra punch.

81% cacao raw dark chocolate, maple syrup sweetened, handcrafted in small batches

Ingredients: raw cacao butter* , raw cacao powder* , pure Canadian maple syrup, dehydrated oranges*, chilli flakes*, unrefined salt. *Certified organic. May be present: tree nuts, sesame.

fruit & activated nut organic raw dark sokolata

Our 'fruit & nut' chocolate combines a selection of activated nuts, seeds and dried fruits with our signature raw dark chocolate, to create a nutritious taste sensation. 'Activated' refers to the process of soaking (in filtered water) and dehydrating (not roasting!) at low temperature to increase the bioavailability of nutrients and improve digestibility.

81% cacao raw dark chocolate, maple syrup sweetened, handcrafted in small batches

Ingredients: raw cacao butter* , raw cacao powder*, pure Canadian maple syrup, activated macadamia nuts*, activated almonds*, activated pecans*, activated cashews*, activated Brazil nuts*, activated walnuts*, activated hazelnuts*, activated Styrian black pumpkin seeds*, coconut flakes*, dried figs*, goji berries*, unrefined salt. *Certified organic. Contains: tree nuts (see above). May be present: sesame.