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Soulla x 


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This blog started as a way for me to share my recipes + culinary adventures, tips for vibrant health + happiness, thoughts on the latest developments in nutritional medicine + the low down on the Sydney wholefoods scene and beyond...

The importance of pairing Muscle Meat with Bone Broth

Star Anise

Did you know that if you eat muscle meat (eg beef, lamb etc) and eggs (which are powerhouse foods) then ideally you should be teaming them with bone broth or other glycine-rich foods?

There’s a huge body of science behind this:

Muscle meat and eggs are high in an amino acid called methionine. Methionine can only fulfil its essential functions in the presence of glycine. Where is glycine found? In the bones of animals (and also in organ meats).

This wasn’t so much of an issue for our hunter-gatherer ancestors as they favoured the glycine-rich bones and organs of the animals that they killed (and often discarded the muscle meat!). The bones, fat and organs were the most highly prized parts of the animals for our hunter-gatherer ancestors as they knew from trial and error over millennia that they were the most nutrient-dense.

When we modern humans eat muscle meat WITHOUT teaming it with glycine-rich foods, the excess methionine raises homocysteine levels in the body which can have an inflammatory effect. Inflammation is the root cause of all modern disease.

This is why my 3-fold dinner “formula” is meat + 3 veg + broth.

So adding a daily cup or half a cup of bone broth to your diet has enormous anti-inflammatory effects along with improving:

  • hair skin and nails

  •  joints, bones, ligaments, and tendons (osteoskeletal system)

  • digestive health (makes you regular)

  • gut health (heals and seals the gut lining)

  • sleep

  • emotional stability

  • immunity

  • the flavour of food that it’s cooked in

Bottom line: drink your daily cup of bone or incorporate it into your diet in other ways e.g. use bone broth instead of water when making soups, stews, risotto, and poached eggs. For more ideas on how to sneak bone broth into family friendly meals click here.

CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE or collect from our retail store Broth Bar & Larder in Bronte or selected stockists.
Learn how to make your own bone broth in my online bone broth workshop. You can purchase this as a standalone workshop or it comes as 1 of 5 online cooking classes in my Food as Medicine Digital Package (best value!). 
Love Soulla xx

4 truth bombs that we all need to swallow

Star Anise

Truth bomb #1

95% of our health is dictated by our LIFESTYLE(as opposed to our hard-coded genes)!

Truth bomb #2
Chronic illness and degenerative disease are caused by TOXIC OVERLOAD and /or SUBOPTIMAL NOURISHMENT (the 2 principle lifestyle factors that influence our health)

Truth bomb #3
Our greatest exposure to ENVIRONMENTAL TOXINS is in our HOME (yep!)

Truth bomb #4
The 4 things that we routinely bring into our home which have the most profound impact on the health of the inhabitants of the home are:

1. Our choice of food
2. Our choice of personal care products
3. Our choice of household cleaning products

4. Our choice of medicines

I say “choice of…” because it’s always a CHOICE. Yes, it is.

And, if you are a mama like me,it is typically the mamaswho have been bestowed the awesome responsibility of making these choices of what to let in and not let into our homes. Our family’s health relies onOURchoices. What an awesome and massive responsibility we have! Let’s live up to it and make the best (i.e. healthiest) possible choices. You’re not alone, I am here to support you every step of the way in making these choices.

When it comes to your choice of food, I understand that Big Food and the Dietetics Association (which is funded by Big Food)  have really done a brilliant job at creating so much noise and confusion about what to eat and not eat. Big Food makes us sick and then Big Pharma comes to the ‘rescue’ to provide us with drugs that make us sicker and stay sick. There’s no better model to keep us trapped in a system of control and disempowerment. Fortunately, we all have the CHOICE to break free of this paradigm and choose a more empowering, joyous path. I unpack what that path looks like in my one one-on-one health coaching sessions and in my food as medicine digital package. Whichever you choose, I arm you with 4-5 hours of robust nutritional theory, 5 of my online cooking workshops, and a 60+ page “How To” manual that sets you up FOR LIFE by getting back to basics and eating and living in a way that our ancient DNA expects so that our genes can switch on for the better.  As so many holistic doctors and clients tell me, my health coaching sessions and even more so with my Food as Medicine digital package really are exceptional value for the immense content that you get (“ridiculously cheap” as one holistic doctor recently told me).

When it comes to your choice of personal care products , household cleaning products, and medicines fortunately there’s a one-stop shop solution for ALLLLLLL of these which takes us out of the overwhelm. You can literally streamline all of these to just one place (hooray!) for ease, simplicity and convenience. I will teach you how to healthy swap at your pace in a positive, empowering, and cost-effective way one product at a time at YOUR pace. You are just paying for products only from Young Living – the world leader in the essential oils and low tox industry (no joining or cancellation fees). In addition to access to the highest quality products that give you peace of mind in creating a safe low tox home sanctuary for your family, you also get free access to me and another one of my team leaders as your personalised wellness mentor plus free access to our juicy closed FB page and our phenomenal online password protected Member Resources- allllll provided completely for FREE

With love and light,
Soulla xx

The 4 minute video that could change your life…

Star Anise

Happy Spring lovely!
This 4-minute video is a MUST WATCH. 4 minutes could change your life. It could radically alter your choices and your health forever. I know it did mine.

The science is out. Once you know you can’t unknow. We can no longer afford to bury our heads in the sand.

The hormone disrupting, cancer-causing, microbiome-disrupting, and neurotoxic effects JUST. AINT. WORTH. IT!!!!!

Once I learnt that the conventional personal care products and cleaning products that lined my bathroom, kitchen, and laundry shelves contained toxic ingredients that were harmful to me, my family (and the planet), trust me I went through all of the stages from disbelief (“if it's allowed to be sold then SURELY it must be safe?!??! Surely the governments of the world wouldn’t allow toxic products to be sold?!?!”), to justification (“Well everyone else is using it, spraying it, slathering it on and they are ok…. Or are they?!?... And besides I’m only using a teeny bit)” to anger (“Oh they really are toxic….and we are all really getting sick….and a teeny bit applied EVERY SINGLE DAY ACROSS HUNDREDS OF INGREDIENTS all adds up to a LOT of toxicity….. WTF?!?”), to radical responsibility (“time to pivot and make better choices because no one else is going to do this for me!”)
Where I got to is this: Knowledge is EMPOWERING. That power brings CHOICE. And choice brings an opportunity to radically alter your health, your family’s health, and the planet’s health.
As I am fond of saying this is not about deprivation it is about healthy swaps. And there is a healthy swap for EVERYTHING nowadays. From every item of food, personal care products, and cleaning products. Healthy swapping is not a burden. It’s our responsibility especially if you are the gatekeeper of your home. It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO KEEP YOU and YOUR FAMILY SAFE FROM TOXIC PRODUCTS. Don’t feel guilty. We all once used toxic products and it's never too late to pivot. That is what my team and I are here for – to help you healthy swap in a positive and empowering way.

As explained at the end of the 4 minute video there ARE companies out there who genuinely care and make toxic free products that you can trust (not just greenwashed nonsense that appear to be clean through clever marketing but are full of toxic crap).

So what brand do I use?
The brand I have been using since 2016 which I wholeheartedly trust, recommend, and have done a THOROUGH due diligence on is Young Living.

What I love about YL is that:

  • They are a one stop online shop (this alone is game-changing making it super easy and convenient to go low tox); and

  • Their products are completely toxic free, super powerful and, because they are so concentrated, they are extremely cost effective when diluted (hello Thieves all-purpose cleaner for $1.70!).

The way it works is that you need an existing account holder like myself to connect you to set up a wholesale account for you. After that, you can log onto the YL website and buy what you want, when you want… and have complete peace of mind that you are creating a toxic free home sanctuary with the ease, simplicity, and convenience of an online one-stop shop.
Click here to get started and select a low tox starter bundle or products of choice to start with.
The ADDED BONUS in joining my low tox community is that in addition to accessing the highest quality low tox products on the market, is that you ALSO receive free automatic access to a wealth of online resources, personalised support from me, and another wellness mentor in our community plus our continuous educational webinars and events.

Love Soulla xx