Mothers Day Hamper
Guest User
Motherhood. For me, it has been the most incredibly rewarding journey. And to be honest, not without its hardships either. My children are my greatest teachers. They remind me on a minute to minute basis how much I still need to grow as a mother and as a person. I probably wouldn’t have changed careers had it not been for them and they provide me with constant inspiration in both my personal and professional life. My children bring up in me the full gamut of emotions – from sheer wonderment, to unconditional love to utter exasperation. It wasn’t until I became a mother that I truly understood that a love so pure and intense even existed, nor truly appreciated the sacrifices that my own mother had made to raise me.
Here’s a cheeky list I’ve been keeping of some of the ‘thoughtfulness’ (ie honesty and innocence) that comes of out my littles ones’ mouths:
“Mum, what are all those lines around your eyes?” [Me: “They are called crows feet. Are they really that bad?”]
“Mum, are you having a baby? Your tummy is really big [Me: gimme a break! I’ve had two 4kg babies!!!”]
“Mum, your bum is really fat” [Me: THAT’S IT!!!! Barbie dolls have given you a totally warped idea of what the female form should look like!!]
“Mum, you have so many grey hairs. You really need to start dying your hair now!” [Me: Noted.]
“Mum, why can’t you act like a normal mother?” [Now, THAT ONE really takes the cake, huh?!].
Yep, children certainly do know how to keep a mothers’ ego in check!
To celebrate and honour the mothers in our lives and the incredible role they play, we have put together a beautiful hamper containing these amazing organic wholefood delights of the highest quality:
1. Chocolate coated activated macadamia nuts. This is a limited edition new product we have created specifically for Mothers’ Day. My highly moorish crunchy activated macadamia nuts smothered in my maple-sweetened 81% raw dark chocolate. THESE ARE THE BOMB!!
2. 1.5L bottle of Toscana certified organic cold pressed extra virgin olive oil.
3. 300g glass jar of Toscana Verdale table olives.
4. 250ml glass jar of raw honey with honeycomb from a local beachside bee hive in Coogee. I love this drizzled over pancakes or yogurt.
5. 100g snack mix which is a mix of all my activated nuts and seeds with gojis, coconut flakes and figs.
6. 100g activated almonds.
Priced at $100 each, they come beautifully wrapped in a solid wicker hamper basket.
To ORDER simply fill out the form HERE or email
Collect from my workshop in Waverley at a mutually convenient time.