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This blog started as a way for me to share my recipes + culinary adventures, tips for vibrant health + happiness, thoughts on the latest developments in nutritional medicine + the low down on the Sydney wholefoods scene and beyond...


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Due to popular demand I will be running another bone broth class Tuesday 15 Sept 7.30PM for those who missed out on the previous round. 

Home-made stock (aka bone broth) was a staple in all traditional cultures. People of yesterdays ate nose to tail – meaning that the whole of the animal (including the bones, fat and organ meat) was consumed. In fact these ‘odd bits’ were the mostly highly prized part of a kill for our hunter-gatherer ancestors, as they worked out through trial and error over millennia that they were the most nutrient-dense. Today, most people in Western society simply don’t consume home-made broth on a regular basis, either because of lack of information or know-how on where to source or how to prepare broth properly and deliciously. Here’s your opportunity to build strong immunity, robust digestive function and vibrant health for the remainder of 2015 and beyond by learning how. One of my missions in life is to being back these age-old nutritious foods to the modern table. With a vengeance. And a playful twist.

I’ll teach you the ins and outs and everything you need to know about how to make a gelatinous, delicious broth and how to incorporate it in your and your family’s daily diet. 

I have a e-folder full of testimonials about how my bone broth and my broth making workshops changed people lives. Here’s one I received from a client yesterday:

“Hi Soulla, I’ve made a dedicated effort to drink broth every day for the last couple of months and the pain in my arthritic hands has almost gone….It’s a miracle!!” ~ Sandy Tate.

In my workshops I will explain the scientific reasons for HOW & WHY this traditional food works miracles!

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> a detailed workshop booklet with over 25 pages of information including:

i) the health benefits of bone broth,
ii) step by step guide on how to make a gelatinious chicken, beef, pork and fish broth,
iii) recipes
iv) FAQs
v) where to source pastured bones,
vi) ways to incorporate bone broth into daily meals and drinks.

> 1 hour informative theory discussion and Q&A
> practical demonstrations
> hands-on experience
> food tasting that incorporates various types of stock, including a dessert! 

WHEN: Tuesday 15th September @ 7.30pm
WHERE: 23 Kent Street, Waverley

1. TEXT me on 0407 871 884 to confirm if spaces are available (spaces strictly limited!)
2. DEPOSIT $80 into my bank account (referencing your FULL NAME and “broth”):

Account name:  Star Anise Organic Wholefoods Aust Pty Ltd
BSB: 062 000
Acct no: 1511 0110

This workshop is ideal for:

> Those who are grain-free, gluten-free, dairy-free

> Those who have leaky gut or suffer from digestive issues

> Those who attended my casserole workshops and want to learn how to make their own broth to incorporate into casserole meals

> Athletes, pregnant or nursing mothers, mothers of young children

> Anyone who suffers from any osteo-skeletal issues or inflammation

> Those who aspire to having more vibrant health, glowing hair and skin, resilient immune system and better quality sleep

> Anyone who wishes to broaden their culinary repertoire

> People who routinely make and consume broth but wish to hear more about the nutritional benefits of broth or wish to gain some culinary tips



Please feel free to forward to any family members or friends

Cancellation policy: Once funds are deposited into my bank account they are non-refundable but can be transferred to another cooking class/workshop upon 48 hours notice.