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This blog started as a way for me to share my recipes + culinary adventures, tips for vibrant health + happiness, thoughts on the latest developments in nutritional medicine + the low down on the Sydney wholefoods scene and beyond...

Wild smoked salmon salad

Guest User


This is a super simple and ultra nutrient-dense recipe you can throw together, perfect for a hot summer’s day when you don’t feel like cooking. I buy salmon from The Canadian Way because it is the only truly wild (as opposed to farmed) non-tinned salmon available in Australia (you can read more about wild versus farmed fish in one of my earlier posts here). Wild salmon from The Canadian Way has an unmatched omega 3 to 6 ratio of around 10:1 making it so very anti-inflammatory (farmed salmon has higher amounts of 6 to 3, making it pro-inflammatory).

True wild salmon from cold waters, swimming upstream, is not only a source of anti-aging, anti-inflammatory omega 3s, but also a high quality source of protein, tryptophan, vitamin D, B12, B6 (when eaten raw/rare) and powerful anti-oxidants such as selenium.

The Canadian Way products are sold at various stockists listed on their website AND they also home deliver. Please be sure to tell the owner David I referred you. Note- I don’t get any commissions or kick backs at all from promoting this company. I only advocate businesses whose products or services I personally use and trust.

There is a plethora of certified organic salmon on the market. Don’t be fooled by the certified organic label. They are STILL farmed fish. And a farmed fish is never going to be as nutritional as a wild fish. Read more here about my views on whether organic certification is necessary.


  • Wild smoked salmon (allow 100-150g per person)

  • Leafy greens such as one or more of rocket, parsley or lettuce (allow one handful per person)

  • Lebanese cucumber, thinly sliced in rounds (allow 1/3 cucumber per person)

  • Avocado, cut into cubes (allow 1/2 avocado per person)

  • Red onion, thinly sliced in rings (allow a few rings per person)

  • Crème Fraiche or sour cream (allow a few dollops per person)

  • Capers

  • Lemon juice

  • Extra virgin cold pressed olive oil

  • Sea salt

  • Cracked pepper


1. Assemble leafy greens, salmon, cucumber, avocado and red onion on a serving platter. 
2. Dollop spoonfuls of crème fraiche or sour cream on the salad.
3. Add a scattering of capers.
4. Dress with olive oil and lemon juice, and season with sea salt and cracked pepper.

If you make this at home please let me know how you go in the comments section and share and tag me in your creation on social media!