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This blog started as a way for me to share my recipes + culinary adventures, tips for vibrant health + happiness, thoughts on the latest developments in nutritional medicine + the low down on the Sydney wholefoods scene and beyond...


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Due to the growing interest in essential oils and the overwhelming demand that I have received to share more of my knowledge on essential oils and why I exclusively use Young Living, I will be running FREE monthly gatherings on “essential oils basics”  in Sydney (and one on the Gold Coast) to answer all your questions and to help you navigate the field of essential oils. Make 2018 the year that you rid your house of all toxic chemicals and healthy swap to natural nourishing products. 

Each jammed-packed information session will be identical and will cover a brief overview of the essential oils basics, the Young Living Premium Starter Kit containing 11 essential oils, and some of their other essential oils infused products. 

Health is very much multifactoral (and you might have heard me bang on about the importance of the 8 foundations of health which I blogged about earlier this year here and here). Since I started using and falling in love with Young Living essential oils years ago and learnt how to incorporate them more and more into my daily life, I have felt so much calmer, happier, and healthier. My emotions are more on an even keel with fewer lows. My sleep is deeper, my skin is glowing like never before, my metabolism has increased, and my kids are so much more chilled out. There’s less fighting, yelling and screaming in my house. I feel more empowered in becoming my own alchemist when niggles arise, and I have drastically simplified my life and have saved a heap of money on personal care products and household cleaning products that are now redundant. In short, essential oils quickly became another tool in my health tool box to increase nourishment and decrease toxicity in my home and body. I was surprised at how easily and effortlessly I was able to incorporate essential oils as a beautiful and powerful adjunct into each of the 8 foundations of health to turbo charge or enhance my and childrens’ health and well-being to take it to the next level. And I love sharing all this with you so that you can experience the magic in these oils too. 

what will be covered:

I will lead a detailed discussion on the essential oils basics:

  • What are essential oils?
  • How essential oils fit into my health and wellness paradigm
  • 20 objective questions to ask when choosing an essential oils company
  • My personal reasons for choosing and exclusively using and trusting Young Living, with their 2 decade history of industry leadership
  • How to use essential oils (the 3 basic methods of application)
  • How essential oils affect emotions 
  • What makes an oil therapeutic 
  • The difference between diffusing and burning
  • Essential oils and safety
  • An overview of 11 specific essential oils (blends and singles) found in the Premium Starter Kit including what they can be used for and, in particular, how they can replace conventional household cleaning products, personal care products and perfumes to lower your toxic load
  • How to purchase a Young Living starter kit and the various membership options
  • How you can earn an income by sharing the oils with others that can cover the cost of your monthly Young Living orders, and can potentially cover the cost of your household expenses and even provide you with complete financial freedom and travel opportunities. 

At each gathering you will receive:

  • Essential oil infused herbal tea and filtered water infused with lemon essential oil. 
  • Opportunity to purchase at wholesale prices Young Living essential oils. 
  • A comprehensive 30 page workshop booklet (including recipes on how to make an all purpose household cleaner, facial mist, mouth wash, bath salts, sunscreen, inspect spray, body lotion, and lots more!) for every person who purchases a Young Living starter kit on the day or who has previously purchased a Young Living starter kit through me. 
  • Opportunity to ask questions about essential oils generally, or any Young Living products specifically.
  • Opportunity to smell the Young Living difference. 

these gatherings are ideal for:

  • Those who are interested to learn about essential oils generally and in particular only want to use the highest quality essential oils on the planet
  • Those who are interested to learn about Young Living specifically and why Young Living are in a league of their own as the world leaders in essential oils with their 2 decade leadership history
  • Those who have purchased a Young Living Premium Starter kit through me but haven’t received training or information on it specifically
  • Those who have come to one of my previous essential oils workshops and want a refresher or reminder of how to incorporate the oils further into their daily life
  • Those who are interested in replacing personal care products, air fresheners, perfumes and household cleaners with essential oil based natural alternatives
  • Those who want to learn how to use essential oils to promote, maintain and support their and their family’s health and to reduce their chemical burden
  • Those who want to take their health and well-being to the next level with the inclusion of essential oils
  • Holistic practitioners and body workers who want to learn how to incorporate the oils into their practice for the benefit of their clients
  • Those who want to learn new things and immerse themselves into our oily tribe of like-minded people!

when & where:

Choose from:

9TH JUNE, 13:00 - 16:00 (23 Kent Street, Waverley, NSW)
4TH AUGUST, 14:00 - 17:00 (73 Aberdeen St, Newtown VIC 3220)
5TH AUGUST, 9.30 - 12.30 (14 Huntingtower Road, Armadale 3143)
15TH SEPT, 13:00 - 16:00 (23 Kent Street, Waverley, NSW)
13TH OCT, 13:00 - 16:00 (23 Kent Street, Waverley, NSW)
10TH NOV, 14:30 - 15:30 (27 Turner St Abbotsford, Melbourne, Victoria 3067)
11TH NOV, 9:30 - 12:30 (4 Robert Street Sassafras, Victoria, 3787)
25TH NOV, 9:30 - 12:30 (23 Kent Street, Waverley, NSW)
8TH DEC, 13:00 - 16:00 (23 Kent Street, Waverley, NSW)

click here to secure your spot asap!

Very limited spaces available so please book quickly!
Also, please feel free to forward to any family members and friends.
I look forward to seeing you at one of my 2018 gatherings!