How to best get through the current global crisis
Becca Crawford
I firmly believe that whatever crisis we are faced with - personally or globally- the most important thing we can do is to take care of ourselves. When we take care of ourselves first and foremost, we are consequently taking care of everything else. When we show ourselves the respect and dignity we deserve - through how we look after ourselves- we are incidentally respecting each other and the planet so we are less of a burden and more of an asset. It is our core responsibility as humans.
If all everyone in the world did was to nourish themselves with nutrient dense biologically congruent food, use non toxic personal care products and household cleaning products, turn to natural medicines to support the body’s wisely intelligent immune system, get out into sunshine and nature, laugh play and connect with loved ones, remain curious and open minded, be positive, and have an open loving heart, we would have a radically different health care system and environmental landscape. More importantly we would raise our individual and global consciousness to a level never experienced before. And that is a beautiful and enthralling notion.
How do we get through the current global crisis? By taking care of ourselves. This gives us the physical, mental and emotional strength and resilience to navigate any storm with ease and grace.
Any crisis is invitation to:
1. Focus on what is within your control - and that is first and foremost looking after yourself, your home and your dependents. Appreciate just how much power and influence you have over your health - physically, emotionally and spiritually.
2. Embrace simplicity, especially nourishing meals and conscious consumption.
3. Shed what no longer serves you- toxins in all their guises including negative thoughts. This will create the space for healthy swaps that are nourishing and fulfilling.
4. Replace fear with love. When it all gets too much remember to just breathe and just smother the whole thing with compassion and love
We are indeed at the threshold of a massive paradigm shift in global consciousness. It is a magnificent invitation to transform. And all we need to do is to take care of ourselves
I will leave you with a quote from Hopi Indigenous, a Native American tribe: