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Cheese Puffs


This blog started as a way for me to share my recipes + culinary adventures, tips for vibrant health + happiness, thoughts on the latest developments in nutritional medicine + the low down on the Sydney wholefoods scene and beyond...

Cheese Puffs

Guest User

These light and fluffy gluten-free savoury muffins are a terrific way to get some seriously nutrient-dense ingredients into kids. Great for lunch boxes, eat as a snack or as part of a meal.  As they are so nutrient-dense and full of healthy fats, they are very satiating, providing a steady stream of slow released stable energy. 


  • 300g cheese (I use a combo of gruyere* raw milk cheese, Reggiano parmigiana* raw milk cheese and cheddar cheese)

  • 170g activated savoury buckwheat*

  • 4 eggs*

  • 1 cup full fat milk

  • 1 cup (250g) Greek style full fat yogurt 

  • ½ cup extra virgin cold pressed olive oil*

  • 100g (5 tablespoons) cream

  • sesame seeds for decorating the top of the muffins (optional)

*sold at Broth Bar & Larder

Makes approx. 28 x50g muffins. Muffins can be stored in an airtight container for 3 days before requiring refrigeration. They can be frozen up to 3 months. 

Directions if you have a Thermomix/food processor:

  1. Process activated buckwheat in Thermomix (speed 9, 20 secs) or in a nut grinder/coffee grinder/spice grinder until it resembles a soft fine flour. Remove from Thermomix and add to a bowl. 

  2. Grate the cheese by roughly chopping it and processing it in a food processor or Thermomix (speed 9, 15 secs).

  3. Add the rest of the ingredients (including buckwheat flour but not sesame seeds) to the food processor or Thermomix and process until well mixed (Thermomix speed 6, 40 secs). The batter should be quite runny.

  4. Pour batter into silicon muffin cases (approx. 50g in each muffin case) and scatter some sesame seeds on top if desired.

  5. Bake at 150 degrees Celsius for 30 minutes or until a skewer comes out clean. 

  6. Allow to cool slightly before serving. Can be eaten warm or at room temperature.

Directions if you don’t have a Thermomix/food processor:

  1. Process activated buckwheat in a nut grinder/coffee grinder/spice grinder until it resembles a soft fine flour. Add to a large mixing bowl. 

  2. Grate the cheese and add to the large mixing bowl. 

  3. Beat the eggs with a stick blender until fluffy and add to the large mixing bowl.

  4. Add the milk, olive oil, yogurt and cream to the large mixing bowl and stir until they are well combined to form a runny batter.

  5. Pour batter into silicon muffin cases (approx. 50g in each muffin case) and scatter some sesame seeds on top if desired.

  6. Bake at 150 degrees Celsius for 30 minutes or until a skewer comes out clean. 

  7. Allow to cool slightly before serving. Can be eaten warm or at room temperature.

Variations: feel free to add chilli, paprika, finely chopped fresh herbs such as chives and parsley, or dried herbs to add a more distinctive flavour. 

If you make these Cheese Puffs please let me know what you think!

If you like this recipe you might also love my Cypriot Flaounes recipe and my Greek olive and mint loaf (Eliopita).

Kali Orexi (that’s Greek for good appetite). 

Love Soulla xx