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Did you know that pastured livers are the most nutrient-dense food on the planet bar none? They are high in vitamins A, D, E and B group vitamins (crucial for reproductive health) and minerals such as highly absorbable iron, copper, zinc, magnesium and choline. Livers are the richest source of folate of any food (expectant mothers take note!). Livers are also a great source of protein and healthy saturated fats.
Given how vitamin and mineral depleted most of us are in this busy Western world, I believe pâté (or other organ meats for that matter) is something we should be eating least once or twice a week if not more frequently. They are an especially important source of fuel and nourishment for athletes, children, those who are iron-deficient, those wishing to fall pregnant, as well as pregnant and lactating women. To read how one mother overcame dangerously low iron levels during her pregnancy with daily consumption of livers (as opposed to iron tablets that her doctor was pushing), read one of my earlier posts here.
Concerned about the taste? Chicken liver pâté is a very palatable way of consuming organ meats. I suggest eating with vegetable sticks or on traditionally prepared bread (sourdough, sprouted etc).
I make chicken liver pâté on a weekly (or fortnightly) basis with livers from Burrawong pastured hens (and other ingredients that are either certified organic or if not certified then in substance organic).
I run regular cooking classes on how to cook organ meats but if you don’t have the time, energy or inclination to make pâté on a regular basis (or if the idea of handling livers freaks you out) then consider being added to my pâté email distribution list. All you need to do is let me know (via text 0407871884 or email soulla.chamberlain@me.com) your email address and I’ll add you to the list so that you will be notified whenever I make pâté and which flavour I’m making. I make 4 varieties: (a) sage and thyme, (b) rosemary, (c) date, and (d) fig (the latter 2 are a sweeter introduction to the world of pâté). Then you simply let me know if you want any and when you can collect from my workshop in Waverley. I retail it for $19.80/240g tub and it can befrozen- handy for a summer picnic or a rainy day emergency. Pâté keeps 5 days in the fridge once the butter encasing is broken.