If you crave a food, then for God's sake just eat it!

I have a slightly different take on this.
For me, food is just as much a source of nourishment and fuel as it is a source of pleasure. Food should never be a stressful experience. If denying yourself a certain food or drink is causing you stress, angst or resentment, then I think the psychological impact of that may very well be doing you more harm than the physiological harm of the food itself. In other words, if you're craving it you're probably not ready to give it up (yet). Be kind and gentle with yourself and indulge if you really want it and try to just perhaps eat it less frequently or in smaller quantities. For me, I simply no longer desire any processed foods (including grains, desserts and sweets). Even naturally sweet or sweetened foods are very much in the "take it or leave it camp".
1. I simply crowded out the empty fillers, processed and sugary-laden foods. I filled up my plate and stomach with only nutrient-dense foods so there was simply no room for anything else. By the time I consume my daily dose of 2-3 eggs, bacon, kefir smoothie, 1/2 cup of sauerkraut, a cup or 2 of broth, a palm size serving of protein (eg fatty meat) at every meal, vegetables, plenty of water and good fats like butter and coconut oil.... Well there's no spare stomach real estate to allow any more in over the course of a day. I also make sure each meal is a really decent size so I feel very satiated afterwards. There's only so much volume that I can physically fit in so I've just filled that volume to the brim with the good stuff, effectively crowding out the empty /nutritionless stuff.

So in response to the 5:2 diet that's trendy right now, when some asks me "Soulla what would you eat if you could
eat absolutely anything you wanted to for 2 whole days?" My response is "I would eat exactly the same foods that I eat the other 5 days because I find them delicious, satiating and nourishing." Much like a recovered alcoholic who can walk away from a glass of scotch without flinching, I can walk away from a packet of Tim Tams that in yesteryears I would have devoured in a heartbeat (and them some).

So here's what I think: if you crave it, just eat it and don't feel guilty about it. We already have enough to feel guilty about in life! Educate yourself about the food you're eating - what are the ingredients, where did they come from, what's been done to it, what effect does it have on our body and then listen to how it makes you feel afterwards. If you start to slowly and gently crowd out the 'bad guys' with nutrient-dense foods and trust that over time your taste buds will change accordingly, I bet you that at some point in the near future you won't crave the empty fillers or processed foods that you might now think you could never live without.