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Zucchini fritters

Guest User


This is one of my kids’ favourite ways of eating zucchinis. Big kids love them too!! 

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— 500g zucchini
— 1 onion
— 2 garlic cloves
— 2 eggs
— 2 carrots
— 1 teaspoon salt
— cracked pepper
— 1 teaspoon paprika
— handful of chopped fresh parsley (optional)
— 1 cup activated savoury buckwheat flour, ground up into a fine flour in nut/spice/coffee grinder or Thermomix. 
— coconut oil, beef tallow, butter (or other natural fat of choice for frying)


If you have a food processor: roughly chop zucchinis, onions and carrots with a knife and add to food processor. Add all other ingredients (other than fat of choice for frying and flour) to food processor and process ingredients until they are well mixed.  

If you don’t have a food processor: grate zucchini and carrots finely, dice onions and garlic finely. Chop parsley finely. Beat eggs. Add all ingredients (other than fat of choice for frying) to a large bowl and mix well together.

The mixture will be quite runny, so I place the mixture in the fridge for a couple of hours to firm it up somewhat. 

Heat a liberal amount of fat of choice in a stainless steel frying pan on medium heat (I have several frying pans on the go at the same time). Add small dollops of the mixture into the frying pan (leaving sufficient space between them) and fry on one side until golden brown. Fill the pan(s) with as many fritters as you can comfortably fit. Using a stainless steel spatula, turn the fritters over to brown the other side. When cooked, place on plates or cooling racks lined with paper towels to absorb excess fat. 

Serve with home-made aoili if desired.