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Why explosive growth comes with negative press

Past YL Newsletters

Why explosive growth comes with negative press

Becca Crawford


This year has seen explosive and unprecedented growth in both Young Living and consequently in our Star Anise Essentials community as more and more people globally are turning to more therapeutic grade essential oils to build strong emotional and physical resilience naturally and to “clean up” their home. In an age where synthetic drugs, pharmaceuticals, toxic hand sanitisers, antibacterial products, chemical-laden personal care products and harsh cleaning products have infiltrated the human race, are destroying our microbiome, damaging our DNA and polluting the environment , the burgeoning growth in essential oils and natural products (along with nutrient dense whole foods) is a sign that people are wanting to reclaim their medical freedom and heal their bodies naturally. 

For the last decade I have been on a serious mission to empower and inspire people to step into the healthiest possible versions of themselves by showing them the existence of a more nourishing and conscious, less toxic, path.  I never set out to start any business – I was driven by  a  burning desire and a passion to heal my family and in turn share my knowledge to help others and in doing so my Star Anise wholefoods business and then my Young Living business sprouted organically (excuse the pun). 

The law of polarity dictates that when there is a movement in one direction there is a reactive force in the other direction. We have seen this in the food industry: as more people are turning to regenerative agriculture and organic whole food (what our great grandparents called ‘real’ food) and away from processed food and industrialised farming, the junk food  and fast food industry paradoxically also continue to grow, causing greater polarity. The explosive growth of the paleo movement in the last 10 years has seen a strong movement in the vegan industry, with the film “Game Changers” causing a sensation last year despite not being grounded in robust science.  

Similarly, As Young Living burgeons, we have witnessed the tighter grip of control by big Pharma and scathing (yet untrue) attacks by leading competitors. This ‘push back’ comes in all forms of media.

I warn you against giving these your precious attention and energy. They are riddled with untrue allegations and falsehoods. Now more than ever we need to be the light amidst a backdrop of darkness and to continue to carry on Gary Young’s legacy and mission of using the most pure and potent oils on the planet for strong physical, emotional and spiritual resilience. Can you image what would happen to the conventional health care model and the pharmaceutical industry if everyone on the planet nourished their body with nutrient dense food and only used non toxic personal care products, cleaning products and YL oils as potent plant medicine? We would have a radically different health care system and environmental landscape.  This is the world I want to see for future generations and this is what I am fighting for. A return to a way of living that honours and respects the sanctity of Mother Nature and our wise biology, not undermines them. 

I have strong boundaries around the brands I use, trust and recommend. I have done my due diligence thoroughly and I can say with certainty that Young Living is an indeed a special company whose values and ethos perfectly align with mine, putting the health of people and planet over profits. Yes there will be naysayers and people who will try to undermine, just like those who tried to shut down my little Broth Bar over the years numerous times. But I stand firm in what I believe in and what I know to be true, honest, real and authentic. As proud as I am of Star Anise Organic Wholefoods and its home Broth Bar & Larder, I am equally proud and honoured to be a part of Young Living, and you should be too. As borne out by the last few months, I honestly believe that more and more people globally are awakening and looking for what YL has to offer- nature’s living energy. Please know that by using and sharing YL oils and products, you are making a big impact – one person, one family, one healthy home at a time. 

We are indeed at the threshold of a massive paradigm shift in global consciousness. Continue to nourish your body: eat real food, drink filtered water, get as much sunshine and time in nature as you can, move your body, dance, sing, laugh, breathe deeply, meditate, use the oils, sleep, rest, keep a strong positive mindset, connect with like-minded people, and refuse to absorb negativity in any way, shape or form. These foundational pillars will help to keep your vibration high, allow you to tap into your intuition and higher levels of consciousness. From there it will be much easier to discern truth from fiction.  

Sending you much love + light in these turbulent times,

Love Soulla xx