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Why YL products are taking on more importance than ever before

Past YL Newsletters

Why YL products are taking on more importance than ever before

Becca Crawford


Dear YL Members,

During these challenging times, the most important thing that we can do is to raise our vibration.  As energetic beings, our vibrational state is a measure of our health and hence our resilience (and collectively our vibration impacts other living things and the whole planet).  When our vibration is high, we are physically and emotionally stronger and hence have stronger immunity and resilience to illness and disease. 

There are many ways to raise our vibration. 

First and foremost it is about tuning within and focussing on the space YOU are in with less focus on the vibration outside of you. Click here for a beautiful meditation prepared by our own YL member and NLP practitioner Cindy Russell that will help you do this. A positive mindset is essential in these turbulent times. 

Secondly nourish yourself with nutrient rich food and really attend to all other lifestyle factors that profoundly influence health. What you eat, drink, breathe, and think and how you move, sleep, breathe, relate with others and how much time you spend in nature and sunshine all effect your vibrational frequency and hence impact your health. Conversely avoid things that lower vibrational frequency namely dietary and environmental toxins as well as fear and stress. Caring for ourselves is so important but it is also more important than ever that we support and care for one another (making sure that you fill up your tank first otherwise there is nothing left to give!).

Thirdly, appreciate that, like all things, essential oils vibrate at a certain frequency. Each essential oil vibrates at a different frequency. When we apply an essential oil that vibrates at a frequency higher than our own frequency, it raises our vibrational frequency and hence raises our overall health. When we feel ill, stressed or fearful  (and our frequency drops) reaching for an essential oil and applying it raises our vibrational frequency and can thus help to restore our overall health. Read more about vibrational frequency and the list of YL oils rating their frequencies in this document here which is found in the Essential Oils 101 Guide in the Member Resources Page of my website. 

For me, the Young Living products are taking on more and more importance in my life every day as a powerful way to boost physical and emotional resilience and to powerfully defend and protect from nasties that we are, and always will be, continuously exposed to. They are right up there with nutrient dense food and filtered water. After 4 years of continued use and remarkable benefits, the YL products are ‘non negotiables’ in my life and there’s a long list of other expenditures that I would happily forgo in my life before YL products ever left my home. I love to live simply and the last 6 weeks has really laser-focused for many people what is and is not truly essential in their life. For me my “essential products” list that I spend money on are:

1. Nutrient dense food 

2. Filtered water via a RO water filter from the Water Shop (a once off installation fee then annual changes of filter)

3. YL products. 

Everything else really is a luxury and we can get by with what we have.  

If you’re under more financial strain in recent times here are some ways that you can continue purchasing the YL products to get their unparalleled benefits without compromising your lifestyle and your budget:

1. STREAMLINE all your purchases of personal care products and household cleaning products to YL as a redirection of resources - you’re buying this stuff from somewhere anyway so simply get it all from ONE place to save multiple shipping fees and racing around to multiple shops. The beauty of YL being a one stop shop is that everything can be bought from the comfort of your home from ONE place and delivered to your door. 

2. SHARE the products with others to not only make a positive impact on others’ lives but make an income that covers the costs of your monthly orders so you effectively get all your products FOR FREE! More and more women are turning to doing this every single day over the past 6 weeks. If you are pulled to learn more about this, I am running a free zoom webinar on this topic this Tuesday 9am. Simply email me for the zoom link.

3. DILUTE some of the personal care products and household cleaning products to really make them stretch out more. We all know that the Thieves Household cleaner is already the most economical (as well as the most powerful and least toxic) cleaner on the market (at $1.60/500ml). But did you know that you can dilute other products as well to make them super economical? For example, I personally dilute the YL shampoo, conditioner, hand soap and body wash by 1/3 (spread the contents across 3 bottles) and top with water to make the price 3 times cheaper. These products are so incredibly powerful and strong that a little goes a very long and they last a long time. 

4. REDEEM your reward points on the monthly Essential Rewards program so you get a stack of stuff completely for free. This is why we all need to be on the monthly program as it’s the most economical and intelligent way of ordering because you not only receive  discounted shipping (who wants to pay full shipping fees?!?) but more importantly you also receive reward points that accumulate like frequent flyer points. Simply spread your orders out to 50pv per month instead of placing big bulky orders every few months!!

5. Purchase ER BUNDLES that are far more economical than purchasing the individual products found in the bundles. These are on the YL website or in your product guide - get to know your product guide well!!!! It’s a beautiful magazine! Now is the time to jump on the couch with a cup of tea and flick through it. 

6. Be SMART with how your order- when buying under the monthly ER program buy products that have a high PV to low dollar value and do the opposite when redeeming your reward points. 

More ideas are set out in the “Ways to Make YL products work for you financially” section of the Essential Oils 101 Guide in the password protected Member Resources page. 

My YL community along with YL world wide has seen unprecedented growth in the last 6 weeks as a testament to how essential, powerful and non negotiable these products are, and for this reason more and more people globally are turning to them for support. 

Why are YL oils so important for our health and building resilience?? 

1. They powerfully defend and protect against nasties that come our way. Thieves is one of the most popular for this. Remember how it got its name?!?? Say no more. 

2. They clean the receptor sites of our cells so that our cells can function optimally and better assimilate nutrients from our food and smart supplementation. So you get more bang for your buck from your nutrient rich food and supplements. Zinc, vitamin C and vitamin A are important for strong immunity. Vitamin A is best found in pastured animal products with organic liver being the number 1 source of vitamin A. 

3. Lemongrass/ Melissa/ and all the citrus oils are so incredibly powerful as they contain citrol (a plant phenol) - this stimulates mitochondria- which produces ATP- which signals redox molecules - which produce glutathione internally  - which is the most powerful anti oxidant- which mop up free radicals that damage our DNA. 

4. Clove (found in Thieves) is the most powerful external anti oxidant (1 million+ on the ORAC scale). 

5. Ningxia red is most powerful FOOD source of anti oxidants. Hence why I take daily and have swapped my daily coffee for a daily shot of Ningxia. Same price but 1000 times healthier. 

6. The YL oils powerfully boost or turbo charge each of the foundations of health to take your health to the next level:

  • Use them in food to boost your nutrition eg I am currently loving peppermint in my home made artisan raw dark chocolate – learn to make your own here.

  • Use them in drinks to boost your hydration eg I am loving basil and lime in my Ningxia, and cinnamon bark and black pepper in my turmeric hot chocolate.  

  • Use them on your body to enhance movement especially fascia release or tremoring eg I use Release or Surrender when tremoring (check out my IGTV on that topic if you’re keen to learn more)

  • Use them to deepen your sleep eg lavender, stress away, vetiver

  • Use them to enhance the quality of the air you breathe and in your breathwork eg peppermint and RC are amazing to open the nasal passages. 

  • Use them to create a positive mindset - I say “create” because mindset is a choice and sometimes we have to “fake it until we make it” i.e. until positivity becomes a habit and our default setting. Even with a heavy heart your mindset can be positive in the sense of being hopeful and resilient. Remember that the quickest way to the brain is through the nose (as any cocaine user will tell you)! So the quickest way to alter your emotional state and get you out of an emotional funk of fear, worry and stress is by smelling a YL oil. Hence why we diffuse 24/7 and have a diffuser in every single room, yes even the bathroom! And hence why I carry a few in my handbag to pull out at a moments notice. Oils to help support our emotions include Stress Away, Bergamot (a drop on the crown and ingest in tea), Angelica, White Angelica (protection), Release, Surrender, Present Time (to anchor you back into the present moment), frankincense or sacred frankincense for grounding. 

So my dear friends, this is why we MUST continue to use the YL products along with eating a nutrient rich diet and dialling in other lifestyle factors. There is no more important time. 

I always say that crisis creates opportunity so seize this opportunity to:

  • live more cleanly (clean up your diet and other lifestyle factors)

  • embrace simplicity (learn to make simple nourishing meals and laser focus on what’s really essential in your life and redirect resources to those things only)

  • focus on what you CAN control (namely your health and how to you respond to events!) and don’t dwell on the things outside of your control 

  • practice gratitude for what you DO have (and appreciate all the things you miss that you will one day have again eg beach swims, dinner parties, hugs, handshakes, in person gatherings!)

The above are the ways that we can survive and indeed thrive in turbulent times.

Now, if you haven’t already done so I highly encourage you to put a drop of a YL oil in your hand, rub your palms together, and cup your nose as you inhale deeply and listen to Cindy’s meditation here. Do this daily to keep your vibration high. 

I will finish this newsletter with little story by Loren Eiseley:

“Once upon a time, there was a wise man who used to go to the ocean to do his writing. He had a habit of walking on the beach before he began his work.

One day, as he was walking along the shore, he looked down the beach and saw a human figure moving like a dancer. He smiled to himself at the thought of someone who would dance to the day, and so, he walked faster to catch up.

As he got closer, he noticed that the figure was that of a young man, and that what he was doing was not dancing at all. The young man was reaching down to the shore, picking up small objects, and throwing them into the ocean.

He came closer still and called out "Good morning! May I ask what it is that you are doing?"

The young man paused, looked up, and replied "Throwing starfish into the ocean."

"I must ask, then, why are you throwing starfish into the ocean?" asked the somewhat startled wise man.

To this, the young man replied, "The sun is up and the tide is going out. If I don't throw them in, they'll die."

Upon hearing this, the wise man commented, "But, young man, do you not realize that there are miles and miles of beach and there are starfish all along every mile? You can't possibly make a difference!"

At this, the young man bent down, picked up yet another starfish, and threw it into the ocean. As it met the water, he said, "It made a difference for that one.”

Your every thought and action makes a difference in the world. You just have to decide what kind of difference you want to make. 

With much love + light, 
Soulla xx