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Past YL Newsletters

What's the deal with MLMs anyway?

Star Anise


I have had a few questions lately about what exactly is network marketing aka MLM (multilevel marketing).
Gary Young decided to structure Young Living as a network marketing company a few years after he created it to catapult his important message of health and wellness powered by Mother Nature out to the world.

More and more companies (especially those in the health and wellness space)are increasingly structuring themselves as network marketing companies.
Why? Because word of mouth is hands down the most powerful form of marketing.

Instead of paying a salary or commissions to a sales team to market the products, a network marketing company pays commissions to those people (eg ordinary mums like me) who genuinely use and love the products, talk about them with their network of friends and ultimately share them with others. 

It's rewarding to pay the very people who use and love the products rather than someone who is not genuinely invested in it. Word of mouth can create a powerful ripple effect and spread like wildfire across the globe when people feel passionate about something- whether it’s a documentary (e.g. That Sugar Film, The Magic Pill), a political stance, a new piece of technology (e.g.Thermomix) or a lifestyle choice (low tox movement, paleo movement etc).

The growth of MLMs exploded when billionaire Warren Buffet said in an interview that in hindsight he wished he structured his businesses as MLMs because of their effectiveness.

Millennials love MLMs and appreciate how powerful this form of marketing is.
Gen Xers (like me) can be a little sceptical because we grew up scarred by Amway or had some not-so-pleasant experience with a network marketer (have you ever been invited to have coffee with someone and it turns out that they want to sell you something instead?
(Happened to me and it felt so icky!).

There's nothing wrong or unethical or illegal about networking as a model – the problem often lies with the way it's been executed by network marketers who use dodgy tactics through lack of transparency when the underlying product has no fundamentals. In this community I set a culture of transparency in all that we do whether it’s a social media post or an advertisement for a workshop or gathering. Coupled with YL products that are hands down “best in class” we feel proud to be promoting products made by an ethical company that is a steward of the planet and sets the standard for the industry with 3 decades of industry leadership.

If you speak and share from a place of authenticity and transparency and genuinely want to help others onto a more nourishing, less toxic path, with products that you believe in and stand by, it only adds to your credibility.

There is nothing more rewarding than sharing products you love in a beautifully authentic way and being able to make an impact while making an income. Isn’t that everyone’s dream job?

The YL biz opportunity has plugged a big gap for many people who have a burning desire to work in the health and wellness space without having to go back to do further study and be able to do it from their home (or anywhere in the world), with their kids around them, and do it at their own pace, on their own terms by being their own boss.
All this by promoting products that make a positive impact on people and planet. It actually doesn’t feel like work when you’re living a life of purpose. It just feels like you’re talking about something that’s made a positive impact on your life and people pick up on your passion and want to experience some of that magic too because they value YOU!
It's like when your friend raves about a movie or a restaurant...if you value their opinion, you go check it out, right?!

But what will my friends think?”. I hear this self-limiting, fear-driven belief sometimes. Honestly, the people whose opinions really matter (the ones you genuinely want to be friends with) would be supportive and in awe of your side hustle or business empire that makes a positive difference in people’s lives. Creating a business from scratch that lights you up is something to be truly admired and respected. You can live your life according to the dictates and opinions of others, but true joy and happiness come when you are true to yourself.

“It feels a little scary sharing the products!” Anything new or different does feel scary at first. But it's only when you step outside your comfort zone that the growth and magic really happens. Eventually, it becomes second nature.... And you love your little side hustle so much you think “why didn’t I start this earlier?”

I personally am so glad I said yes to the biz opportunity 7 years ago. I’ve helped over 2000 families kick the toxic chemicals in their lives and helped financially free dozens of women from jobs that didn't align with them. I also have had the privilege of visiting YL farms around the world that as a single mum I wouldn’t have been able to afford, and now have an income stream that blesses my household as the solo parent of my children. Having multiple income streams is smart (especially for women) because you just never know what the future holds (whether it's the death or divorce of your spouse, you really want to be able to hold your own).

If you want to explore the YL biz opportunity without fully committing to see if it is for you, I invite you to do our 10 day business mentorship or any of the steps set out in the Biz opportunity section of the password protected Member Resources page of my website.

Don’t know the password? Simply email me

Feel free to reach out to me or your wellness mentor to learn more or have an honest chat.

Love Soulla xx