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Past YL Newsletters

Winter Wellness... what to reach for from your YL wellness cabinet

Star Anise

Winter is officially here in the southern hemisphere.

Colds and flu abound as is a nasty strain of pneumonia. I succumbed and it wasn’t fun. It’s now time to dust off the Winter Wellness section of the EO101 Guide (found in the password-protected Member Resources page of my website).

If you don’t know the password please email me or your support person ASAP as you are missing out on one of the reasons why people join the Star Anise Essentials YL community.

Here are some juicy parts from that section:

  • Plants contain protective compounds that protect against illness and disease.

  • Mankind has used plant botanicals as medicine for millennia before the advent of pharmaceuticals (plants are nature’s pharmacy).

  • Essential oils are potentised/concentrated plant compounds.

  • YL essential oils are incredibly detoxifying. To various degrees, they all have antimicrobial(e.g.,anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-viral) properties. This means they kill bad bugs (pathogens and viruses) within our bodies. Viruses, bacteria and pathogens cannot live in an oxygen-rich environment. Pure essential oils are highly oxygenating. In fact, pure essential oils are scientifically documented to carry the highest level of oxygenating molecules of any substance known to man! YL essential oils are also, to various degrees, anti-inflammatory. Given that inflammation is the root cause of all modern illnesses and diseases, YL essential oils are a potent antidote to the inflammation in our system which is caused from toxic overload and/or sub-optimal nourishment.

  • While essential oils are not technically nutrient-dense, they facilitate the nourishment of the body because they clean the receptor sites of our cells so that our cells can readily uptake nutrients (vitamins and minerals) from foods, supplements and the sun. E.g. lemon oil cleans the vitamin D receptor site, allowing the body to absorb vitamin D from sunshine.

  • Pure essential oils vs pharmaceuticals: no side effects > work with, not against the body to build and strengthen it > thwart unfriendly bacteria without affecting friendly bacteria.

  • Pure essential oils vs herbal tinctures: more potent/concentrated > faster acting so treatment time is faster > not diluted in alcohol > no expiry dates > more pure > more convenient to self-dispense at home > easier to apply on kids than to swallow tincture. Listen to this 1 hour presentation by trained doctor, naturopath and homeopath Maria Arora to learn about this topic.

  • Pure essential oils vs other oil brands: > seed to seal policy means YL oils are more potent/concentrated > more pure > more testing > harvested at peak harvest time > therapeutic traction > not fractionated.

  • Health (measured in MHz) is influenced by increasing nourishment and decreasing toxicity. Healthy body = 62-68 MHz. If the vibrational frequency drops to 58 MHz = cold, at 57 MHz = flu, at 45 MHz = cancer. Young Living EOs raise vibrational frequency, and hence overall health.

Specific Young Living products:

1. Essential oils (oils from Premium Starter Bundle are in italics)

Methods of application

a) Inhalation:

  • diffusing necklace

  • steam (bowl or bath)

  • diffuse (kills airborne viruses and pathogens)

  • on pillow/clothes

  • palm of hands

  • straight from the bottle

b) Topical:

  • netipot 

  • bath

  • dilute for kids (1:30 ratio of oils to carrier oil as per Gentle Baby by Debra Raybern)

  • neat for adults (except hot oils - dilute in a carrier oil)

  • neat on soles of feet

c) Ingestion (food-grade oils):

  • in capsule

  • under tongue

  • food

  • gargling (eg Thieves mouthwash)

  • hot water or other hot drink e.g., broth

  • cold water/drink e.g., smoothie (only use glass!)

  • Some essential oils are more antibacterial (e.g., myrrh, lemon). At the same time, some are more antiviral (e.g., Eucalyptus Blue, Melissa). At the same time, some are more anti-inflammatory (e.g. frankincense, copaiba, myrrh). In contrast, others are more anti-fungal (e.g. Tea tree, Thieves, peppermint), and others are more analgesic (pain killer) (e.g. myrrh, Pan Away).  

Specific conditions:

  • Fever – Peppermint, Eucalyptus Blue, ImmuPower

  • Respiratory/Sinus/Congestion – R.C., Raven, Ravintsara, Eucalyptus Blue

  • Depression – Lemon, Frankincense, Rosemary

  • Chapped skin – Myrrh, Lemon, Peppermint

  • Colds – Thieves, Oregano, Mountain Savoury, Raven, Ravintsara

  • Flu – ImmuPower, Mountain Savoury, Oregano, Ravintsara

  • Sore Throat – Lemon, ImmuPower, Oregano

  • Cough – R.C., Myrrh, Frankincense, Lemon, Raven, Ravintsara

  • Immune stimulant – ImmuPower, Thieves

  • Infections – Thieves, Melrose, Ravintsara

  • Stomach ache – Digize, Peppermint, Frankincense

  • Bronchitis/ bacterial pneumonia – Frankincense, Raven, Melrose, R.C., Thieves, Ravintsara

  • Airborne viruses/bacteria –Thieves, ImmuPower, Melrose, R.C., Ravintsara

2. Thieves room spray

  • externally (spray on throat, in rooms, or areas that are naturally highly contaminated with pathogens e.g., planes, airports, and public toilets)

  • internally in mouth

3. Inner Defence (natural antibiotics) 

4. Young Living supplements (Ningxia Red, Mineral Essence, Green Omega 3, Super Vitamin D)

5. Thieves mouthwash (rinse mouth, gargle)

6. Thieves household cleaner (creates an environment where pathogens can’t thrive without compromising beneficial bacterial) 

7. Thieves hand purifier

Build strong immunity and resilience by dialling in all 8 foundations of health/lifestyle choices:

  • Nutrient-dense traditional wholefoods diet

  • Good hydration (filtered water, bone broth etc)

  • Conscious Movement

  • Plenty of sleep and rest (esp. in winter)

  • Breathe in clean fresh air

  • Positive mindset and manage stress 

  • Fun, play and connection with supportive like-minded people

  • Nature immersion and creating a toxic-free home environment 

Young Living essential oils can turbo-charge/enhance each of these 8 foundations to take them to the next level for you and your family.

Here’s to surviving and thriving this winter with our super-powered oils and YL products.  

Love Soulla xx