Star Anise
Dear community
The start of a new year is often a time of great reflection on our life and the direction in which we are heading.
Maybe you are thinking that you want to step into the health and wellness space but, like me, don't have any formal qualifications in that area (or maybe you do which is an extra bonus).
Maybe you are wanting to earn some extra income as you are feeling the financial pinch with inflationary pressures.
Maybe you want a vocation where you feel that you are making a genuine impact on people's lives at the grassroots level.
I want you to know that the YL biz opportunity is a fabulous vehicle that ticks all the boxes for me and countless others globally and is one that is always here for you to explore.
To be honest most of us stumbled into the business side of Young Living by accident. Most of us signed up with Young Living just to get the products – we were never looking to build a business. However, we quickly fell in love with the products and couldn’t stop talking about them with others….and our businesses were born naturally.
The best thing for me is the ability as a solo mama to do it all from home at my pace on my terms by being my own boss with all the resources and support laid out on a silver platter. If I want to take time off, I can... and residual income still rolls in.
So what exactly does it involve? SHARING the products with others to spread the low tox message... and I bet MOST OF YOU ARE DOING THIS ANYWAY so why not get paid by YL for it???
I share the products in a way that feels authentic to me... small home gatherings, one-on-one conversations, and my social media pages. It's so much fun and so rewarding as I help others make cleaner choices about the personal care products and household cleaning products they are using every single day. It's showing people simple easy healthy swaps and they will love you for it. (And the ones who aren't ready to go low tox... well we just bless them and move on knowing that it's their journey and that there was a time in my life pre-health crisis where I certainly wasn't interested in anything that wasn't mainstream. But they know that we are there when they are ready and that is so reassuring for them).
The key thing is that the YL biz is all about sharing the product, not selling. It's seriously the best way of making an impact while making an income that blesses my household. And the sisterhood... wow...I've never felt so held and a part of something that holds me up and supports me no end especially when life threw me some massive curve balls in recent years.
Why not dip your toe into the YL biz and see? It might be the VERY THING your soul was looking for or the very thing to free you from the corporate grind.
Next Steps ...
Go to my website
Click the essential oils page
At the very top of that page click "member resources" then pop in password MRSTAR21 (save it on PC so you never need to type it in again). If you can't see these words at the top you need to change your PC settings to full screen.
Scroll down to the "biz opportunity and mentorship program" section and follow all the steps over the summer at your pace
Reach out to me or your wellness mentor if you decide to explore this and we will support you every step of the way l and invite you to our next biz leaders workshop in Feb.
I'm so excited to see where this year takes you!
Love Soulla x