How to place an order for products from USA (NFR order)
Becca Crawford
Did you know that there are numerous YL products available for sale in USA which are not available for purchase from the Australia distribution centre? However it is possible to purchase these items direct from USA from your Virtual Office by placing what is known as an NFR order (and the shipping is incredible reasonable – approx. USD22- much cheaper than if you got the products shipped from USA by a mate!).
This video by our lovely Rachel Campbell explains how to place an NFR order.
We have added this video to the video gallery section of the Member Resources page of my website so you can refer back to it at any time. If you don’t know the password to the Member Resources page please let me know (or your support person know) as the resources in there are invaluable!
Here are some examples of products available in USA which are not available in Australia which you can purchase on NFR:
Thieves rollers
Thieves chest rub
Thieves lozenges
Eikorn pasta
Immupro (melatonin) for immunity and sleep
Sleepessence (melatonin plus valerian) stronger than above
Parafree (for parasites)
Essentialzyme 4 (digestive enzymes)
Mindwize (for Alzheimer’s)
KidScents probiotics
Love Soulla xx