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The silver lining of 2020 for YL members

Past YL Newsletters

The silver lining of 2020 for YL members

Becca Crawford


Dear YL Members,

To say it’s been a phenomenal year is a spectacular understatement. The events of 2020 brought much uncertainty and chaos but the silver lining is that it has also shone the light on something that is profoundly important that I have been so passionate about for decades  – our health – with people finally placing a greater emphasis and priority on building strong immunity and resilience. 

But of course we understand the importance of  building strong immunity and resilience naturally. And there is no more profound way of doing so than through your diet and other lifestyle factors including the products that you put on your skin and breathe in.

The demand for YL products soared globally this year with unprecedented sales in a way we never thought possible. This I believe is a testament to the quality and – I would go so far as to say – the necessity of the oils and  related products  in keeping us emotionally, physically and spiritually strong, resilient and grounded. I say “necessity” because YL oils and related products  - like Ningxia and Mineral Essence - are not a luxury or nice to have – they have become  a necessity for me – core staple products  in my home– as fundamental as bone broth, sauerkraut and filtered water are.  

It is such an exciting time to be part of the health and wellness space because as much as mankind spends so much time, energy and resources in labs trying to create a drug for this or a vaccine for that or a magic pill for that – we know that the greatest tools we have to heal, to defend and protect, and to maintain vibrant health already exist in nature – they are in the nutrient dense whole foods we eat, in potent plant medicine (essential oils), in sunshine, in ocean swims, in movement, in nature bathing, in our mindset, in laughter, in the connections we form with others and in living out our truth. 

I love the fact that YL is still a privately owned company. Even though he has now passed on, the Gary Young’s message of wellness and his mission of oils in every home remains as strong and relevant today as it ever was. Probably even moreso as we will no doubt witness more and more virulent viruses over the coming years as our world becomes more and more sterile. YL continues to impress me  as a company of the utmost generosity of spirit and has the biggest heart of any company I have ever come across.  In terms of integrity, ethics, sustainable farming practices, quality and purity of their oils- nothing comes even remotely close. Every day I am just so grateful and humbled  to be part of broader YL community  and so proud of the Star Anise Essentials community that we have co-created. 

Our Star Anise Essentials community has almost doubled since this time last year. We have over 2000 members in our community so that’s over 2000 households using less toxins that end up in our system and in the planet. Yay! I know for a fact that I didn’t connect all of those people to YL so what this means is that the people that I connected are now starting to connect others who in turn connect others. Every time we connect others with YL products we are changing lives, one household at a time, through one healthy swap at a time. 

So how do we inspire more people to join us on this path of kicking the chemicals in their home and make more nourishing and conscious choices?

We can’t do it by trying to change people because that just builds resistance and polarity.

We do it by cleaning up our side of the foot path first.

We do it by cleaning up our homes and by being more conscious of the products that we are bringing into our home.

The products that you bring into your home sends a powerful message to your children and to those who visit your home and to the universe that you support the company that makes it and you want more of that in the world. 

We do it by being the change we want to see in the world.

And when we do that we raise our vibration up a notch and those around you that you come into contact with can’t help but to notice it. 

They can’t help but to notice the shift in you- they will sense it, see it and  my goodness they will smell it!

They will see that all your products in your home are YL versions.

They will see that you’ve got diffusers and oils everywhere.

They will see your vibrant glow.

And of course they will ask you about it. 

And that’s when you can open the door and have an authentic conversation with them. 

You can hand them or email them these cards which succinctly summarise the conversation for you and contain all of the information that your friends need to know. 

The greatest gift that you can gift to someone who is ready and open is the gift of inspiring and empowering them to step into a healthier and more conscious version of themselves.

So my parting message to you is to continue to be the light – hold the candle and allow it to shine so brightly that others are magnetically pulled towards it and will want to lean in and light their candle with your light and they in turn will no doubt light another’s candle and so on and so forth…

And in this way we create a ripple effect and can be the force of change that this world so radically needs. 

I want to thank and honour each of my business leaders for working tirelessly to support each of our members, by answering and making phone calls, emails, texts, and in educating though social media, market stalls, workshops and monthly oils groups.

And of course I want to thank and honour each of you for your support, for choosing YL and for buying their products month after month and investing your health, your children’s  and the health of the planet.

Wishing you a restful and joyful holiday season and please continue to use the oils and YL products daily and by doing so you will no doubt inspire others to do the same! 

Much love Soulla xx