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The video that changed the course of my life

Past YL Newsletters

The video that changed the course of my life

Becca Crawford


To my dear Star Anise Essentials family!

I used to be what you would call an essential oils sceptic. Even though I had been dabbling in essential oils for the last 20 years, I just thought that they were nothing more than something that you burned in your house to smell nice or use as a natural perfume. It never dawned on me that they had any therapeutic use whatsoever. And it certainly didn’t cross my mind to ingest them. 

When a little bottle of oil called Thieves came into my life after a horrific mould experience in my home in 2016, I got full body goosebumps when cracked open that bottle. I could tell in that moment that this oil was somehow different to anything else that I had used before.  But I was still very skeptical. So I did what I always do. I started researching. I started researching this oil with its strange name of “Thieves” and the company that made it – Young Living- which I had never heard of before. I started researching everything I could find on essential oils and the various leading brands to see if there was any significant difference between them. 

And then I listened to a fascinating lecture called “The Missing Link” by Gary Young, the founder of Young Living. I listed to Gary relate how:

  • Essential oils are the transporters of nutrients around the plant: they have the same role in plants as blood does in the human body- transporters of nutrients; AND

  • Essential oils detoxify our bodies by pushing toxins (such as synthetic chemicals) out of our cells.

As I listened to these two main roles of essential oils in the human body, it struck me so powerfully like a thunderbolt that essential oils beautifully dovetail into my two pronged health and wellness paradigm that vibrant health boils down to increasing nourishment and reducing toxicity. Essential oils are therefore powerful- and even dare I say essential-  tools in our modern day health tool box to increase nourishment and reduce the toxicity that we are all exposed to day after day.  

This lecture, almost a decade old, is more relevant today than ever before. 

In today’s modern world I think it is virtually impossible to maintain vibrant health just through nourishing ourselves through diet and other lifestyle factors alone. Because of the increasing toxicity in our world, contributed to by a range of factors including emotional stress (which is at an all time global high), soil depletion, EMFs, leaky gut, processed foods, fluoride and chlorine in tap water, pesticides and other environmental toxins, virulent viruses - we need to supercharge and supplement our health with potent plant medicine - therapeutic grade essential oils- to keep us physically as well as emotionally and spiritually strong as well as resilient to illness and disease.

This is why I started using the Young Living oils and related products over the past 5 or so years to uplevel my and my family’s health and wellness with some profound results. We get sick less and less, we feel more vital and energized, and more importantly more emotionally resilient. 

This lecture can also be found in the Essential Oils 101 Guide found in the Member Resources page of my website which you can listen to any time. I love listening to it at least once a year to as a good reminder of why I will continue using YL essential oils until the day I die.  Due to the depth and breadth of information on the Member Resources page it is password protected so if you don’t know the password to please email me or email the person who sent you your welcome email (the password should be included in your welcome email!). 

Wishing you strength, love, light, and the best of health always,
Soulla xx