Why Farm Ownership Is So Important
Star Anise
Dear YL family,
Did you know that Young Living is the ONLY essential oils company in the world that owns its own farms or has exclusive rights to the plants of partner farms who are contractually bound by the same strict quality standards including audits and inspections?
This is important because ownership or exclusive control provides assurance over all aspects of the quality and integrity of the plants and the processes employed. Ownership and exclusive rights mean Young Living have total control and visibility of planting of the seeds and harvesting of the plants.
Their farms and partner farms are located in various countries all around the world e.g. France, Australia, Oman, USA, Croatia.
Above images: Mona Farm, Salt Lake city 2018
Young Living is the ONLY essential oils company that will provide you with transparency as to where their farms are located AND allow (even encourage) you as a member to visit the farms. You will not get this level of transparency from other oil brands which means that you WILL NOT KNOW where those oils originate from.
Above images: Helichrysum Farm, Croatia 2019
Farm visits have been total game changer for me because this is where you witness the heart and soul of YL and where its Seed to Seal promise can be witnessed first hand. You see, hear and feel the passion of the farm managers, can ask them questions, and even get involved in planting and harvest if the timing is right. Visiting farms and seeing every step of the process gives you a greater sense of appreciation of all of the hundreds of steps involved in the process of getting these oils to us and is our connection to Mother Nature. In a world where we feel increasingly disconnected from the source of what we put in and on our bodies, farm visits is one of the last vestibules of our connection to Mother Nature.
Above images: St Maries Farm, USA 2022
I hope to see ALL YL farms once day!
Love Soulla xx