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Organic Immunity Boosting Cubes

The Online Larder

Organic Immunity Boosting Cubes

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Organic Immunity Boosting Cubes


At Broth Bar & Larder, we add various ‘broth bombs’ to hot bone broth for extra nourishment and flavour. Our most popular broth bomb is a mixture of fresh lemon juice, garlic, ginger, turmeric, parsley and chill flakes. We call this our ‘immunity boosting’ broth bomb, as these ingredients have traditionally been used to strengthen the immune system.

We have frozen these broth bombs into individual portions for you to conveniently add to your broths, soups and hot drinks at home. We have omitted the chilli flakes to make them palatable for kids, but please do add a pinch of chilli if desired.

This time-saving product will take your bone broths to the next level in terms of nourishment and will save you the hassle of having to separately add in each of the ingredients into your hot broths and soups.

Sold in a 150g bag.

Serve: Add frozen cubes to broths, soups, hot drinks, hot water, sauces and meals for a nourishing boost. Add chilli flakes if desired. Start with 1 cube/ 200ml and build up as desired.

Storage: Sold frozen. Consume by best before date. If thawed in fridge, use within 7 days.

Ingredients: lemon juice*, ginger*, filtered water, garlic*, parsley*, turmeric*. *Certified organic.

Shipping: Only to Greater Sydney (map here).

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what our customers say -

I’ve been adding an immunity cube into my broth for my 3 day broth cleanse... amazing! Loving my supercharged broths!”
— Natalia
My goodness your beef and liver cubes are incredible! Thank you for existing and making magic to help people like me!
— Sally