If you need to exercise to lose weight, then something is wrong with your diet
Becca Crawford
Our ancient DNA requires us to move and the benefits of doing so are indisputable especially in regards to cardiovascular health, mental health, osteo skeletal health, strength, stamina, muscle tone and increasing longevity. These are the primary reasons to move and to move daily in a way that our ancient DNA requires (walking, swimming, stretching, and functional movement like strength and interval training).
But if your primary motivation to exercise is to shed excess weight, then something is wrong with your diet. There’s no point flogging yourself in exercise if you’re eating a SAD (Standard Australia / American Diet) which is high in processed foods especially refined carbs. You cannot out train a bad diet!!
If you’re keen to drop excess fat, start with getting the diet right:
Eat what we are biologically designed to eat which is an omnivorous diet rich in nutrient-dense whole (unprocessed) foods where the focus is on the quality of the ingredients- namely their source and their processing.
Confused or curious to learn more? Invest in one of my all day FOOD AS MEDICINE GROUP TALKS:
> Melbourne Sat 23 May
> Sydney Sat 24 oct
I co-present these Food as Medicine with leading holistic dietician Marieke Rodenstein and our collective forte is to combine the wisdom of ancestral diets with the latest developments in nutritional medicine and robust science, to provide you with all the tools and resources you need on how to nourish your body and optimise your health.
These talks have been described as “life changing” — keep scrolling to read just a few of our testimonials. The way that you eat and live should be SUSTAINABLE, ENJOYABLE and NOURISHING to every cell of your body. Once you align your lifestyle factors with your biology, the excess weight will melt off. Scouts honour! Plus you’ll experience a myriad of health benefits you never thought possible.
Make 2020 your best one yet and do it in a way that doesn’t feel like hard work but feels more like coming home - into a body that is simply the best possible version of yourself!