Don't throw out your empty oil bottles until you read this!
Star Anise
Dear community,
When you think your bottles have run out there is actually still a LOT of precious oil left in there that you can actually use before they get tossed into recycling. Here are some uses you can put your empty bottles to depending on the oil in question:
1. Pop them in the bath
When oils that lend themselves to being used in the bath run out (eg lavender, Stress Away, helichrysum, frankincense, Peace & Calming, lavender etc) I pop them into the bath when I next have one.
2. Submerge them in diffuser water
For any oils that can be diffused, I submerge the entire bottle in the diffuser with water. Rest assured all of the lush essential oil coating the sides of the bottle run into the diffuser water and will fortify the air in your room.
3. Pop them into a glass or jug of cold or hot water
Oils that lend themselves to this are the food grade/culinary oils. See complete list of such oils in the Culinary section of this guide. My favourites are all of the citrus ones, franky, Thieves, and copaiba.
I tend to repeat this process over and over again until I can not taste the oil at all in the water.
4. Pop them into your laundry soaking bucket
Oils that I don’t really want to soak in a bath with and that are not food grade fall into this category. Examples include Purification, Northern Lights Black Spruce, R.C., Kunzea. These cleanse your clothes while they soak and add a lovely scent to them.
For more tips and tricks on all things oils and YL please check out the Oils 101 guide in the Member Resources page.
Love Soulla xxx