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I had no idea about this when I started YL

Past YL Newsletters

I had no idea about this when I started YL

Star Anise

Hi lovelies,

We have had a massive influx of new members recently so for all the newbies ‘Welcome and Hi Ya!’ And thank you for being on this epic low tox journey with me!  

Using these therapeutic grade oils as medicine, and healthy swapping all my personal care products and cleaning products to YL versions has been, well, game changing for me as a mama.  

I started my low-tox journey in my mid 20s (over 20 years ago…yikes!!) but I was one of those crazy women who would be buying all my different beauty and cleaning products from a million different places racing around like a headless chook and spending on fortune on shipping fees and parking tickets. When I gave up using pharmaceuticals I was the woman forever trying to get an appointment to see my naturopath and feeling frustrated that I didn’t have a solution to my kid’s [insert name of various ailment] at 2am.  

Then a bottle of Thieves landed in my lap in 2016 after a horrific mould incident in my home. I got full body goosebumps when I opened it, and the energetic attraction was instant. I just knew these oils were somehow different to anything else I had used before. Instant therapeutic traction (which I now know is because these are the ONLY oils on the planet that are harvested at their peak harvest time, grown in pristine environments, and are unfractionated) meant that these oils were my new medicine cabinet, IN MY OWN HOME, without having to hand over power to an external provider and I could reach for them AT ANY HOUR OF THE DAY OR NIGHT. Happy days!! Talk about empowering!! Plus the comprehensive range of toxic-free personal care products and cleaning products (plus sunscreen, make up and insect repellent) meant that I (and my health coaching clients) FINALLY had a one-stop online shop solution. Yay and yay! Talk about two big gaps being plugged in one fell swoop. 

When I find something that I genuinely use and love (whether it's bone broth, sauerkraut, chicken livers or a sexy pair of well-fitting jeans) I do what any good Greek and female does: I tell people  about it. ALL THE TIME. I just love sharing what I know. And I love sharing what works. And I share in a way that feels truly authentic and “unsalesy” to me. I share from my heart. And I figure that if something helps me, it’s bound to help another fellow mama or two. So I started talking about and sharing the YL products with others, and connecting others to YL via their website. In addition to promulgating the life-changing virtues of a nutrient-dense traditional wholefoods diet, I was so happy I now had even more solutions for someone’s sleep issue, digestive issues, osteo skeletal issues, skin issues, hormone issues, immunity issues, anxiety, depression, concentration issues and the list goes on and oil because as the saying goes, “there’s an oil for that!” 

What I didn’t know (and wasn’t seeking out) was that every time you connect someone with YL (simply by talking to them about how awesome the products are and creating a wholesale account for them on the YL website with your member number as their enroller and sponsor), YL provides you with very generous thank you commission.  

And it gets better.  

Each time your friend orders some YL products (in your sleep) you also get another commission.  

And it gets better.  

Each time your friend connects someone, who connects someone, who connects someone, you get referral commissions that trickle in (in your sleep!) all the way down the tree.  

It’s called residual income and it all occurs through the power of word-of-mouth marketing which is THE MOST POWERFUL form of marketing there is. When one mama tells another mama (or one trusted PT tells their client) how brilliant some product is, then we listen up! We create a ripple effect through the power of our network that knows no bounds, effecting radical change in the world.  

I didn’t want another income stream, but the universe had something else in mind for me. I didn’t want another side hustle or business, but the universe kept steering me in that direction. I kept resisting it, kicking and screaming, and trying to ignore it, until the universe sat me down in a locked room on the other side of the world in a lecture theatre where I had no choice but to listen to the world’s leading expert on network marketing and finally…. the penny dropped and I thought “how elegantly simple. This is f’ing brilliant.” 

Wind the clock forward seven years and I now lead a team of hundreds of women globally who love sharing the products from their heart, from the comfort of their home, with their kids around them, and can make an income while making an impact. Some want to earn enough to cover the cost of their YL products, others want to meaningfully contribute to the household, others want out of the 9 to 5 grind to enjoy complete financial freedom, and others love the idea of creating a beautiful business just for them. 

After all, there is nothing more rewarding than empowering others to lead a less toxic, more nourishing life, while stepping into financial independence and abundance in the process.  

The YL biz opportunity is not for everyone but I do know that everyone loves these magic oils and more and more people globally are going low tox and turning to more natural forms of health care and need people to connect them. I thank my lucky stars that I (finally) said “hell to the yeahs” to the YL biz opportunity all those years so that I am in the position I can be in today to 100% financially support myself and my two cherubs. 

If you feel pulled, we have created a beautiful 10-day YL biz mentorship program for those who want to dip their toe in to see if this opportunity is for them without being fully committed. Join the Biz Mentorship on our Thrive Collective platform (you will find it in ‘groups’). You can start it any day you like, but before you sign yourself up, please talk to your wellness mentor (the person who reaches out to you to support you) or me about joining our 10-day biz mentorship. You can also watch this video where I talk openly and candidly about the YL biz opportunity. And most importantly, just be open to the possibility that something magical could be unfolding for you!  

Love Soulla xx 

PS: here’s what some of my low tox mamas in my tribe have to say about saying YES to the biz opportunity.  

PPS: got mould? Make sure you attend our next monthly oils group on June 2, 7:30pm via Zoom. Zoom details on the password protected Member Resources page of my website. Don’t have the password? Email me today!