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Soulla x 


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 My recent Young Living Helichrysum farm experience

Past YL Newsletters

My recent Young Living Helichrysum farm experience

Star Anise

Dear YL community

I had the absolute pleasure of visiting YL’s helichrysum farm in Croatia last month for Silver’s Retreat with 6 of my YL business leaders – Cressida, Sylvia, Rachel, Sacha, Ruby and Helen – and the 2 incredible beings who connected me to YL 7 years ago –Julia and Lisa Matheson. It was a magical experience for the 9 of us to be together to witness a YL farm in such a stunning location in the world (and experience a brief slice of Adriatic summer amid Australian winter!). We were joined by 600 other Silvers from all around the world. (When you hit certain ranks, YL sends you on these epic all-expense paid trips around the world - all just by sharing the products that we love with others #pinchme. Email me to learn more about starting this journey with us or check out the Business Opportunity section of the Member Resources page of my website. It is easier than you think!).

Farm visits and travel are definitely two major highlights of my Young Living journey to date.

Farm visits demonstrate the full transparency that YL provides by not only allowing its members (people like you and me) to visit their farms but also to ask questions of the farmers, understand the provenance and the processes involved and expand our understanding of the natural world.

The oils and related products take on a whole new dimension once you understand their provenance and see first-hand the lengths that YL goes to in order to ensure the oil’s purity and potency and to deliver to us the highest quality therapeutic-grade oils in the world.

We also were taken to the distillery the next day to understand how the helichrysum oil is steam distilled from the plant.

The planting, harvesting, distillation, testing and bottling process are the 5 key steps in YL’s “seed to seal” policy. This gives YL full control over its processes which in turn provides us with a quality assurance that no other oils company can. Witnessing this all first-hand makes you fall deeper in love with YL, with the power of the oils, with our community and with the sisterhood that we have co-created. Young Living’s Seed to Seal promise essentially mirrors the field-to-fork or soil-to-plate wholefoods principles that I advocate – so YL’s philosophy really speaks to my soul.

Helichrysumgrows on very rocky ground. What the helichrysum plant lacks in physical beauty and smell it sure does make up in the power of the oil which packs a punch. Helichrysum is renowned for its anti-inflammatory effects. Remember that inflammation is the root cause of all modern diseases; the antidote to inflammation is powerful anti-inflammatory substances like helichrysum!!! Helichrysum is also an anti-viral, liver protectant and anti-oxidant that chelates chemicals and toxins from the body and regenerates nerves.

Dominik the farmer manager gave us a personalised tour of the farm. He exudes so much health and vitality. When Dom was relating (via a translator) his story to us what struck me was not only Dominik’s passion but also his reverence, appreciation, deep respect and gratitude for Gary Young in providing him with all the support needed to regenerate the farm to make it productive - and ultimately take helichrysum off the endangered list. All thanks to YL!!

Visiting the farms connects us with mother nature (which is becoming increasingly important in an increasingly virtual world). It expands our understanding of the natural world and lights up our ancient DNA because we are part of nature.

I would strongly encourage each of you to visit a YL farm one day not only as an exercise in provenance but because the farms are the engine room and the heart and soul of Young Living.

Other highlights of the trip were the visit to Krka waterfall park, the closing party (where we danced all night), swimming in the Adriatic sea and wandering aimlessly among the cobblestone lanes of old towns like Split and Sibernik (I swear I could do that every day for the rest of my life and never tire of it!).

Love Soulla xx