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Soulla x 


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Interested in sharing the YL products to make an impact and an income? WATCH THIS.

Past YL Newsletters

Interested in sharing the YL products to make an impact and an income? WATCH THIS.

Star Anise

Hello lovely community

More and more people in our beautiful community are approaching me every week interested in the YL business opportunity. In a nutshell, all it involves is sharing the YL products with others which helps them to reduce their toxic load and blesses you with a referral income from YL that can pay for your YL products and eventually can grow into a handsome income that can exceed your wildest dreams.

  • Maybe you want to earn an extra $500 a month that will make a massive difference to your family’s budget.

  • Maybe you want to earn enough to have your YL orders paid for.

  • Maybe you want some extra spending money to buy the things you love without having to justify it to anyone.

  • Maybe you want out of the corporate grind and work from home doing what you love.

As a single mama (and papa) what has become very apparent to me is the importance for all females to be financially independent and to be able to stand on their own 2 feet. Because you just never know what life will throw at you.

I am stressing to my daughter the importance of financial freedom and independence and never having to rely on someone else. I see too many women trapped in jobs or relationships that they don’t want to be in. I was once that woman and I felt suffocated by no end. It takes a lot of courage to step out of the status quo and paradigm shift into something better.

I love my YL business so much that it never feels like work. In fact, I feel so blessed to have the flexibility of working from home with my kids around me at my own pace, setting my own hours and on my own terms, and sharing products that I genuinely love and use every day which make a positive impact on people’s lives. When you make an income by making a positive impact, it feels very soul-aligned and it lights you up no end. 

If you are interested in dipping your toe in to see if the YL biz is for you, or if you are wanting to learn a bit more, watch this 47-minute webinar that I ran with a small group of our members last week.

If this is something you’d like to explore in more detail, contact your wellness mentor or email me and we can walk you through the Biz Opportunity section of the Member Resources page together. You have nothing to lose, and everything to gain.

Love Soulla xx